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It's about Me

Hi......nice to meet you here, I'm A. Yani Esbe
I was born on July 6, 1966 at Madura Island. I'm working for PT INCO - SOROAKO right now, as A Civil Engineer.

Madura is a part of East Java Province - I like to stay at that beautifull Island, and Soroako is the hilly town about 650 km from Ujung Pandang - South Sulawesi. South Sulawesi is more known as Cilebes.

My interests are:

I think, golf is the most interesting sport in the world. My company provide their employers a Golf Course here. Soroako Golf corse is the cheapest golf course in the world.

I waste my time at the week end at tennis court, playing tennis twice a week "brush my mind" and bring me a happiness to stay along time at the center of Soroako Jungle and Soroako Nickel Valley

If you want to know more detail about me...

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