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Fly Me to the Moon

Author's note: what inspired this? The movie Fly Me to Polaris, simply. I found that despite the fact that many aspects of the movie's story had been done to death before, something about the movie worked, and worked extremely well. In writing this story I am also questing towards discovering the mechanics behind such a miracle. If I ever find the answers I'm looking for, consider me a very satisfied boy. One will notice that my language in this piece is much simpler than most of my works. I hope that it facilitates an ease of flow for the audience, as the first thing I noticed about the movie mentioned above was how smoothly it ran. This fic will be its own story, however, I assure you all. It wouldn't be much fun to tell the same story as its inspirer's, would it. I hope this one pleases.

Special thanks to Toh Ee Loong for his attention, time, and patience.


Blue Rain Blue
Fly Me to the Moon
Finding the Celebration

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven