Derm Dudes
This program could save your hours of work.
Who are we and what is our goal?
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We are fulltime private practice General Pathologists with a longstanding interest in computer solutions to practical problems in pathology.

We started this project as a hobby, and bring this to you at a nominal price. It took us over four years and thousands of hours of work. In creating this program, we hope to open a new paradigm in pathology.

Textbook information while ample in providing a framework, may be less useful in formulating diagnoses, especially compared to computer programs.
James Gallagher M.D. is a private practice pathologist in Pennsylvania.
William Shang M.D. a private practice pathologist, has practices with Cornell University, Cortland Regional Medical Center and GHCNY in New York
Who are we?
This program parallels many of the steps a pathologist makes in formulating a diagnosis.

It takes what is known, suggests postive and negative features to look for and builds a differential diagnosis.
Cutaneous Histoplasmosis