Derm Dudes
"We take the head scratching out of inflammatory dermatitis."
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Welcome to Derm Dudes, the home of Derm Dudes’ Inflammatory Skin (DDIS).
We jointly developed a program which saves time in developing a differential diagnosis for inflammatory dermatoses.

Most general pathologists can accurately describe an inflammatory skin slide, but still have difficulty creating a differential diagnosis given the wide range of dermatologic entities.

With DDIS, we strived to tackle the daunting challenge of signing out Inflammatory Skin cases. This program is simple to use, quick and accurate. It has performed well for us in the real world. We have found that this program immediately enhances our ability to arrive at reasonable differential diagnoses quickly and easily.
DDIS has been successfully tested against study sets and online self-study cases.
Get an impressive, printable differential diagnosis the click of the mouse.
Welcome to our web site.