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Strength Training
The newest research shows that weight lifting, also known as strength training, body sculpting and resistance training, is the key to fitness.

Regardless of your activity level, sex or age, lifting weights makes you stronger and more fit for life. Plus, lifting weights allows your body to burn more calories, which boosts your metabolic rate, and helps lean-up your appearance.

Keep in mind: strength training should complement your regular cardio and flexibility routines. One of the biggest benefits of regular resistance training is that you'll see and feel changes of strength in your body within the first few weeks. After all, near-instant gratification is the best confidence booster around, and it's all the motivation you'll need to keep getting stronger and more fit.

Tips when doing weights
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that most people complete two or three sets of 8-12 repetitions of each exercise for maximum strength results. (This means you should feel pretty fatigued by rep number five or six and be struggling to lift that last repetition.) However, if you have been sedentary or are over 50 years old, only two sets of 10-15 repetitions at a lighter weight may be more appropriate.
• Prior to any kind of body sculpting, perform an 8-10 minute cardio warm-up to prepare your muscles for lifting, which increases circulation and prevents lifting injuries. A solid warm-up is as simple as walking in place or jumping rope.

• When you weight train, breathe deeply and rhythmically, and lift slowly both during the upward and downward motions. According to ACSM, participants should avoid using short, jerky movements and try to lift smoothly through a full range of motion.

• After weight training, be sure to thoroughly stretch the areas you've just worked. This increases blood flow to the area and decreases muscular tension, which helps prevent muscle soreness and joint discomfort.





