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Images and Backgrounds | Tables | Frames | CSS and The DOM | Animation | Image Maps | Meta Tags and Keywords
FTP | Forms | Audio and Multimedia | Website Promotion | Intro to Javascript |
Special Characters | Color Hex Codes | Glossary

When you're adding a color to your Web page with HTML, sometimes you can just type in the name of the color. But more often than not, you'll need to use what's called the hex code, which is something that the browser will be able to understand. Choose a color from the list below and look to its left to get the hex code. If we wanted our background to be red, for example, we'd type bgcolor="#FF0000" inside the BODY Tag. Try it out!

Hex Code Color

Hex Code Color
Hex Code Color

Hex Code Color
Hex Code Color

Hex Code Color
Roadmap of the Web | Tools and Process | Your First Page | Lists | Hyperlinks and Anchors
Images and Backgrounds | Tables | Frames | CSS and The DOM | Animation | Image Maps | Meta Tags and Keywords
FTP | Forms | Audio and Multimedia | Website Promotion | Intro to Javascript |
Special Characters | Color Hex Codes | Glossary

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