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000torchome.gif (2411 bytes)EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA II 000torchome.gif (2411 bytes)

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búho.gif (1005 bytes) HUMAN RESOURSES


búho.gif (1005 bytes)TELEMEDICINE

búho.gif (1005 bytes)DISTMANAGEMENT

búho.gif (1005 bytes)DISTCONSULTING

búho.gif (1005 bytes)0800 VIDEONLINE

búho.gif (1005 bytes) LIST GROUP

Learn how to deploy the critical solutions that will make your business more profitable

December 6-8, 2000 Anaheim California Center Anaheim, California.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) IR A DISTANCE I búho.gif (1005 bytes)    búho.gif (1005 bytes) IR A DISTANCE III búho.gif (1005 bytes)

Technology & Applications For:
On-Line/Distance Learning
Corporate E-Training
Web-Based Teaching
Distributed Learning
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Next Generation Internet
Instructional Management Systems
On-Line Assessment & Testing
Technology for the Classroom
Interactive Instruction Styles

búho.gif (1005 bytes) EVENTOS INTERNACIONALES búho.gif (1005 bytes)

Event Overview

TeleCon 2000 Conference TeleMed 2000 Conference

Who Should Attend

Call for Papers Keynote Speakers

Reasons to Attend

Keynote Speakers Schedule at a Glance

Past Attendees

Conference Proceedings Speakers


Showcase Theater Exhibit Hall

Request a Brochure

Room Map Exhibitor Directory
TeleCon '99 Schedule at a Glance Exhibitors Only
Information about Exhibiting
Exhibit Hall Floorplan
Event Sponsors
Site Map

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búho.gif (1005 bytes) VOLVERA V-PHONEbúho.gif (1005 bytes)

búho.gif (1005 bytes)On-Line Classesbúho.gif (1005 bytes)

Necesita flexibilidad en su agenda de clases?

Necesita acceso a bajo costo y mayor calidad?

Uso de Videotapes Acceso a la Web/Internet Exec Masters of Business Videoconference Systems
Oferta de Clases

Programas escolares

Preguntas más frecuentes


 búho.gif (1005 bytes) Educación a Distancia es la respuesta búho.gif (1005 bytes)

La Educación a distancia permite el acceso a librerías virtuales online.

búho.gif (1005 bytes)  Servicios a usuarios y estudiantes? búho.gif (1005 bytes)

La educación a distancia permite el acceso directo en servicios para ususrios.

Si usted necesita un consultor o instructor puede tenerlo online o a través de llamados por videoconferencia o teléfono.

Elemento que posee la pantalla de usuarios: notas "note taking" de las clases, consultoría en  management, videotapes de las clases del Distance Learning, todos los recursos a su disposición online.

Los test y exámenes regulares como en los sistemas tradicionales.

Los sistemas de consultas guiadas online WWW, por llamado etlefónico o Videollamada a los instructores en línea.

Vinculación y acceso a ofertas internacinales.

Programas de orientación actualizados.

Acceso a toda la información online.

Business Consulting consultoría online

Need flexibility in your class schedule?

búho.gif (1005 bytes) On-Line Classes búho.gif (1005 bytes)

Videotapes The Web & Internet  EMBA Videoconference
Early Scholars

Classes offered


búho.gif (1005 bytes) Distance Learning may be the answer!

The typical distance learning student has special scheduling needs because of employment, family responsibilities, or geographic distances. Distance Learning courses offer these students flexibility by offering classes via three delivery modes: videotape, compressed interactive video (also called videoconferencing), and Internet. Each Distance Learning class is facilitated by a University of North Alabama faculty member.

búho.gif (1005 bytes)  On Videotape:

A variety of videotaped classes is offered, ranging from THE CAMPUS CENTER to Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web (CIS 430). Students check out the videotapes (most of which are produced locally) in lieu of attending classes on campus.  Several of the instructors for videotaped classes have provided information on the web.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) On The Web:

Similarly, students may take classes via the Internet. These classes feature on-line lectures, List-Serves, threaded mail discussion groups, and on-line testing. Internet classes currently available include undergraduate courses such as American History and graduate level courses like Research and Report Writing. More classes are being added each semester.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Executive Master of Business Administration:

The College of Business has an innovative and highly convenient Executive MBA program that includes distance learning technology to supplement on-campus classes that meet one Saturday per month. The program is designed for busy professionals interested in career enhancement and improved organizational performance. The program can be completed in twenty-four months without interrupting job and family responsibilities of participants. UNA's College of Business is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Interactive Videoconference:

Also offers courses through videoconferencing, mostly via the Campus Interactive Telecommunications System (CITS). Videoconferencing involves live, two-way auditory and visual signals that are transmitted simultaneously among sites furnished with specialized equipment. Participants see and hear those at other sites as if all were in the same room. The videoconference classes meet in the  Videoconference Center. Mainly graduate level courses, such as those in criminal justice, nursing and library science, are offered through the IITS. Call the Office of Distance Learning  for more information.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Early Scholars Program:

Videoconferencing is also the method used to deliver classes to local area high schools for dual enrollment credit. Qualified secondary students can take university classes for both high school and college credit without ever leaving their campuses. The Early Scholars program allows a generous discount on tuition (five hours per semester) for high school students. Call the Office of Distance Learning for more information.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Classes being offered:

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Videotapes

Introduction to Computers

Introduction to the Internet and World Wide  Web

Marketing/Management/Sales/ Human Resourses

Macroeconomics/ Microeconomics

Health and Aging

School and Universities

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Via the INTERNET

Advanced Composition

Business Applications of Microcomputer Software

Internet library

búho.gif (1005 bytes)  Via Videoconference

Community Corrections

Criminal Procedure & Justice Networking

Universities - Hospitals - College & schools

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Instructors:

Online structors

Online Library access

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Examinations & Test:

Test Schedules

Pre-Test practices


búho.gif (1005 bytes) Will I have tests and written assignments in a Distance Learning Course?

Yes–each course has periodic tests and a final examination. Test schedules are available in the Office of Distance Learning. In addition to tests, each course may, at the discretion of the professor, have additional written assignments, labs, discussion sessions, or study sessions. Details regarding these assignments are provided by the instructor.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) Distance Learning has an access to the library online.

búho.gif (1005 bytes) What about other student services?

Distance Learning students have access to the same student services as students enrolled in "regular" classes. Call the Office of Distance Learning for specific information. If you need help with study skills (including note taking, time management, test taking), videotapes produced by the Office of Developmental Services and the Office of Distance Learning, the Academic Resource Center, the Learning Resource Center, and the Office of Distance Learning. Si usted tiene comentarios o sugerencias por favor envíenos su mensaje!

búho.gif (1005 bytes)  If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this website,
please send e-mail to 

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