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Home > I AM a flapper!

I AM a flapper!
“If one judges by appearances, I suppose I am a flapper. I am within the age limit. I wear bobbed hair, the badge of flapperhood. (And, oh, what a comfort it is!). I powder my nose. I wear fringed skirts and bright-colored sweaters, and scarfs, and waists with Peter Pan collars, and low- heeled "finale hopper" shoes. I adore to dance. I spend a large amount of time in automobiles. I attend hops, and proms, and ball-games, and crew races, and other affairs at men's colleges… I don't use rouge, or lipstick, or pluck my eyebrows. I don't smoke (I've tried it, and don't like it), or drink, or tell ‘peppy stories.’ … And, most unpardonable infringement of all the rules and regulations of Flapperdom, I haven't a line!”6

More: A Plea

6 Page, E. W. (1922, December 6). A flapper's appeal to parents, Outlook, 607.
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