I love work. I love what I do. And I hope that you do too. This month I commemorate the beginning of a dream that I've had since I was sixteen - to own my own business. The graphic design arm of my company is taking off slowly but surely and I hope that sharing the story so far will encourage you to keep your dream fires alight.

One of the pillars of being Free To Be Me is that I can and should work. However, in a country where the unemployment rate is higher every time you hear about it, and jobs are percieved to be a means of survival, work often becomes an unbearable necessity, at least it was for me.

If you cannot say that you love what you do, then I want to help you to redefine your current situation - The problem usually lies in our definition of work. Read the article explaining how to find satisfying work. Learn about the differences between work and a job . Don't despair if you are already in a job - Find out how to turn it into a dream job or work your way into another one that will provide the fulfillment that you are looking for! If I did it, then you can too..



DreaMachine's time has come
Satisfying work - a reality?

"2005 is the year of “Be, go, do.” 2004 we talked and planned and thought. It was good. " —Gaolatlhe Nyirenda

"Don’t allow others to erode your self-esteem. “Talent pleases itself.” " —Thumiso Masoha