Somewhere in my twenty-two years of existence, I lost the zeal that I had for life and succumbed to its pressures, disappointments and apathy. However, the pain of staying in that state became greater than that of changing. So I left behind the straw house that I had built for myseIf and embarked on a soul-searching journey that I have called Free To Be Me.

Launched in August 2005, this site is one of the results of that journey. I hope and pray that in it you and I will be able to find the answers to the deeper questions of life. Feel free to read articles and stories in which I attempt to discuss the problems that I have and continue to face as a young Zimbabwean, a young person, a young man. Let's pave the way forward together as we discover our true identity and fulfil our destinies.




Free To Be Me philosophy (coming soon)
My Photo Album

"The real you is the only you that can." —Thumiso Masoha