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Jedi Knight Ring

Articles by Essobie: Kali IPX, Internet Play, 3D vs. Non-3D, Disciple Guide

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hits since October 18th, 1997.

A Disciples Guide to playing Jedi Knight

BALANCE: We never use only Light or only Dark side force powers when you play. The most effective way to dispatch foes is by a balance... a greyness. By not choosing a path of light or darkness, we steer clear of any possible scruples we might have while playing.

You may say "If you have to have some light and some dark, then that means you can't be Jedi Masters or Jedi Lords! How do you expect to compete in Level 7 and 8 games?" The answer is simple. We choose to be Disciples (level 6) to get the balance we require of ourselves... not to mention to show Masters and Lords who are the real Masters and Lords...

Desciples MAY use more powerful Jedi characters if the need for it arises, but just because a game is labeled Level 8, it doesn't mean you HAVE to pick Level 8. It is more rewarding when you beat people while you are crippled anyway. <G>

IDENTITY: We never use badges or nickname identifiers. These things demean the balance of chat channels, and so go against our beliefs. To label yourself separate from others is to undermine the balance of individualism. Our members go freely into the world of the Internet without strange symbols or letters to identify themselves. We are known for our skill and our brains... not just our nicks.

ORIGINALITY: Use an Internet nickname that separates you from the rest of the world. Don't be the same as someone else on purpose. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:

Names that have more than 5 versions of it registered with Kali (such as Talon, _Talon_, TaLoN, talon!, and |ASS|-Talon,).

Names of famous people (Manson, Hitler, Clinton.... hmm...)

Names of famous characters in books (Satan), TV (KnightRider), and movies (Keyser Soze).*

*NedFlanders gets carte blanche here because... well... who the hell would want to be NedFlanders? You are not going to see a whole lot of those on the net. :)

And it SHOULD go without mentioning that ANY character name in the HOLY TRILOGY should not be used. (that is the STAR WARS trilogy for those that were born 15 minutes ago)

When you are looking for an online personae, go to what ever chat programs you have and do a whois for what you want to use. If you hit just ONE of them, pick another nick. Being named John isn't that bad in real life because you only see perhaps 200 people on a regular basis... but on the internet, you see like 80 DIFFERENT people every time you log into a chat room. Why be an Internet-John?

BENEVOLENCE: We never slaughter new players horribly. That isn't to say that we can not, it is to say that slaughtering new players when they first start playing this game makes them wary as to which games to join and who to play. We try hard to make any game we are in fun... and if it takes going easier on new players, so be it.

CONTENTMENT: We never bitch about losing because of lag, or who is serving. This is the Internet, and shit happens. If one of us is having a bad game due to lag, we will most likely leave the game to find a better environment. This is a game after all... it should be fun.

Thanks to Nihilist for the word. ;)

CONCLUSION: The main point here is to have fun, and be yourself. If you think that being in a large group of internet game players is a good time, by all means, go at it. Just make sure that you realize that just because you don't see them, people on the internet are just that: people. Treat them with respect as humans (or whatever they are...). For more info on the do's and don'ts of Internet Relations, see the page on Netiquette.