A roster of lunatics makes me a happy dude!
It's time to sound off. Below you will find the sick and twisted members of the TOWM alliance. You will also find information on how to contact one of us.

In order to become a member of TOWM, you must have someone sponsor you. That means you tell them to make you part of the alliance, and they'll tell you to piss off, then you'll say, "please" and they'll tell us about you, and we'll say, "piss off", and you'll say, "please" and we'll say, "Allright. You're lucky I'm Church of England."

Piss off.

Stats for the alliance are updated nightly, or in the morning, or whenever I get around to it. You can view rankings in the alliance by best NW/Acre ratio, Most Powerful, Most Famous, and Largest.

ABOVE - Old men in patriotic uniforms should make you hot and horney.

PROVINCE NAME Ashington (23:25) NAME Jesse Pulsipher
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO jesse@gatorgraphics.com

ICQ: 5195879

AIM: Ashngton

PERSONAL QUOTE Don't stab your mother with a radish. She will kick your ass!
OBJECTIVE I want to rule the world....and get laid...on second thought, I'm more determined to get laid than rule the world...ahhh, fuck the world, I just wanna get laid.

PROVINCE NAME Baratheon (3:22) NAME John Gaines
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO john.gaines@sota.com

AIM: Ravynswynd

PERSONAL QUOTE I came for the cheetos...but I stayed to rape and pillage.
OBJECTIVE In the great fifth age that is coming upon us I plan to amass every bit of land I can...and then relieve myself on every square inch of it...while whistling dixe out my asshole.

PROVINCE NAME CFH (8:10) NAME Joel Dunacusky or PimpDaddy
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO joel.dunacusky@sota.com

AIM: BskLmkit

PERSONAL QUOTE TOWM who is this Roody Poo?
OBJECTIVE Break 600k Nw and have all the fame.

PROVINCE NAME Hobbes' End (37:22) NAME Darren Menachemson
LOCATION Canberra, Australia CONTACT INFO dnt@interact.net.au
PERSONAL QUOTE Genesis is what happens when God forgets to flush.
OBJECTIVE To make my humble kingdom into a nuclear power.

PROVINCE NAME Snowtigra (35:15) NAME Fedil Grogan
LOCATION Lewisville, TX CONTACT INFO UkneeqFNG@aol.com

AIM: UkneeqFNG

PERSONAL QUOTE no quote becuase I'm a big pussy
OBJECTIVE To be the most famous player in Utopia!!!

PROVINCE NAME Deaths Horizon (37:22) NAME Glen Verkins
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO glen.verkins@sota.com
PERSONAL QUOTE Well when I sober up, I'll think of one. How's that?
OBJECTIVE KILL, RAPE, PILLAGE...and get drunk of course....hehe.

PROVINCE NAME Mord Sith (24:14) NAME Hugh W. Miller
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO hugh.miller@sota.com

AIM: HWMiller37

PERSONAL QUOTE The Game Is Nothing, The Playing Of It Everything.
OBJECTIVE To hit 500K......and that get laid thing, yoah, need to get laid.

PROVINCE NAME Dead Men Walking (2:18) NAME Dale Millard or Billy James
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO dale.millard@sota.com


PERSONAL QUOTE How was I supposed to know he wasn't bulletproof when I shot him?
OBJECTIVE I'd like to make th e100 most famous provinces in Utopia list next round.

PROVINCE NAME Vinmerix (xx:xx) NAME Erik Rasmussen
LOCATION Tigard, Oregon CONTACT INFO retief@teleport.com
PERSONAL QUOTE Thieves? We need no stinking Thieves. <not>
OBJECTIVE Break the 100k ceiling.

PROVINCE NAME Dwarven Hideaway (XX:XX) NAME T.J. Hilderbrandt
LOCATION CONTACT INFO omegared_1@yahoo.com
PERSONAL QUOTE War is hell or we would grow too fond of it
OBJECTIVE Break 300k in record time.

PROVINCE NAME Onaste (38:2) NAME Chris Riddle and Ian Naught
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO chris.riddle@sota.com
PERSONAL QUOTE Get out of my hell.
OBJECTIVE Death, death, death, death, death lunch, death, death, death, afternoon tea, death death, quick shower...

PROVINCE NAME Loatal (24:14) NAME Joshua Murphree
LOCATION Montgomery, AL CONTACT INFO eriond3@excite.com
PERSONAL QUOTE Who needs a persnal quote?
OBJECTIVE Kick everybodies ass.

LOCATION CONTACT INFO cewer@hotmail.com

PROVINCE NAME TRuNoLimit Soldiers (28:6) NAME Ben Taylor
LOCATION Pascagoula, Ms.. (Hell) CONTACT INFO darkwulf99@hotpop.com
PERSONAL QUOTE UGHHHHHH Towm for life.. We'll get bowdy bowdy and rowdy rowdy with any haterz
OBJECTIVE Be the biggest and best White Rapstar there ever was.. on the success of master p ofcourse. =)

PROVINCE NAME Jagpanther's Haven (2:3) NAME Don Cleveland
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO don.cleveland@sota.com
PERSONAL QUOTE Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, or my wife

LOCATION CONTACT INFO kent.henry@sota.com

PROVINCE NAME The Necroplasm NAME Warlock
LOCATION Michigan CONTACT INFO warlock@tir.com

AIM: dobinky

ICQ: 800174

PERSONAL QUOTE I'm on the mother f*cker!
OBJECTIVE Kill, kill, kill

LOCATION CONTACT INFO psychosid85@hotmail.com

PROVINCE NAME Artemus (8:10) NAME Dan Man
LOCATION BC, Canada CONTACT INFO dwman31@hotmail.com

ICQ: 32627610

PERSONAL QUOTE Know you role, shut your mouth
OBJECTIVE We come in peace shoot to kill shoot to kill shoot to kill. and that is it

PROVINCE NAME Crystal Palace (35:15) NAME

AIM: TurtleSLD


PROVINCE NAME Digital Markdown (44:27) NAME Stephen Evridge
LOCATION Dallas, TX CONTACT INFO stephen@gatorgraphics.com

AIM: estephen99


PROVINCE NAME Thal Loth (37:22) NAME Brett Teel
LOCATION Atlanta, GA CONTACT INFO spddmonz28@aol.com

AIM: spddmonz28

PERSONAL QUOTE Let's see how well you fight with you underwear up your crack!!!
OBJECTIVE Give Steve Case a wedgie, piss off all the right people, stay alive, and make the perfect Big Mac... Oh and get above 5000k.

members | enemies | tools | speak

Unless other wise noted, all materials Copyright © 1999 TOWM. All rights reserved. Batteries not included. Don't piss us off, lil' boy. Never stab your mother in the arm with a radish, she'll kick your ass. All characters refered to here within are purely figments of your imagination and only exsist in VA. Offer does not apply for residents of CA, CO, TX, MA, or PR. You must be at least 4'3" to ride this ride. Never make a Jell-O shot with tequila and lime Jell-o. It tastes bad. It will make you puke. You could die from the ingestions of sucha a mixture. Have a nice day, and come back real soon.