Grouping With Others

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Grouping With Others

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Killing Non-Player Characters, NPC's, is often one of simplest and quickest ways of gathering experience.  Attacking NPC's on your own can lead to some nasty surprises, and perhaps even a chat with the man with the scythe.

Grouping is a mechanism to allow players to join together, in other to share the rewards of combined effort against a target.

Creating the Group

One player creates a group with the command,

> group create Fluff

[fluff] You have joined the group.
[fluff] You are now the leader of the group.
You begin an adventuring group.

Inviting to and Joining Groups

Once created you may invite people to your group, there may be a maximum of 6 people in any single group.  You may only invite people you can see, or are in the room.

The leader of the group may invite players with the command,

> group invite grul

[fluff] Grul has been invited by Silvara.
[fluff] Grul has joined the group.
[fluff] Grul begins following you.

If you are joining a group, you must wait for the group leader to invite you. You will see,

You have been invited by Grul to join his group. You have 120 seconds to join
the group before the invitation is withdrawn. Use "group join grul" to join.

You are then able to join the group by using the command,

> group join fluff

[fluff] You have joined the group.
[fluff] You begin following Grul.

When you join a group, you will automatically begin to follow the leader.

Checking Up on Your Members

This now means that your group contains some members, you can check on these members with the command,

> group status


The group was started on Wed May 17 14:01:27 2000.

The group has two members:

Silvara is unhurt and slightly confused. She is the current leader of the group. She is assisting Grul.
Grul is badly wounded and refreshed.

Here we are able to see the status of anyone in the group. The format is {player} is {health status} and {status of GP's}.

Assisting a Member of Your Group

Assisting is where you are able to essentially, "watch", another player. When they enter combat, you jump in to join them.  Currently you are only able to assist one person.  Assisting does not afford any protection to the assisted player, it merely means you will join them in combat.

Assisting may be achieved with the following command.

> group assist grul

You begin keeping a close eye on Grul.

When in combat you will see,

Noting the intentions of the Giant Spider, you move in to assist Grul

Chatting Within a Group

To communicate with the other members of your group, you can use the command,

> group say Goodness, did you see that 4 squirrels with flick knives

[fluff] Silvara: Goodness, did you see that 4 squirrels with flick knives

You are able to see the latest few chats with the command,

> group history

Group Administration

There are several commands to enable you to administer the group.

>group leader Ghrul

[fluff] By the power vested in Silvara, Grul has been appointed as the new leader of the group.



Grouping can be a fun, social, and often productive way of making experience on the Disc, the XP from group 


For problems or questions regarding the information on this site, contact or mudmail Silvara.
Last updated: January 15, 2002.