Home - Where's Tigger Now? - Winter 2003-2004

Winter 2003-2004

What happened to our plans for Mexico? For Belize and the Cayman Islands? Like many land dwellers, they are now just dreams for us. After our many, many years of wandering the world on our much loved TIGGER, we have had to make the painful decision to move to land and find a new owner for this fabulous Tartan 37.

So instead of having sailing adventures this winter, we looked at land and wondered how we would ever find a place that would make moving ashore worthwhile. We think we have found such a place in this little town of Palacios, Texas, where we made landfall almost a year ago.

It might not be ideal for everyone - a land friend said, "But it is 30 miles to the nearest Wal-Mart." To which I replied, "Yes, that's the point!"

Our little plot of prairie is just outside of town, only two miles from Matagorda Bay and we will always have a breeze from the sea.

I could write more about the land and the garden and the small house that is going up, but this is a sailor's website. And though both Dave and I know this is the right decision, we still and always will wonder and wish to see what is just beyond the horizon.

If there is any regret to our wonderful time at sea, it's that it was way too short! Wishing you all fair winds.


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Winter 2003-2004