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Eastern Pacific Ocean - a stalk of bananas ripen in the shade of the dodger.
All 100 ripened at once!

Tucked in for an off-watch sleep on a raucous ocean.

The fuel ship at Hiva Oa, Marquesas.
The fuel ship, along with other supplies, comes once a month from Tahiti. Tigger had about 2 gallons of fuel left from our long crossing from the Galapagos. We got their "bottom of the barrel" fuel, so we filtered it twice!

Tigger anchored in beautiful Cook's Bay, Island of Moorea, Society Islands. About 20 miles west of Tahiti.

Shark's Tooth Peak, Oponohu Bay, Moorea

I couldn't stop taking pictures of these beautiful spires!

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Preparing an umu at the Polynesian Fest, at a local hotel, Moorea.

The pig is in the "oven"

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