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Dear fellow sailors, wanna-be-sailors, and all dreamers of far away places - Welcome to our website, designed to share with you the wonderful journey of Tigger and her crew (my always cheerful and cooperative self, and the adorable curmudgeon, my husband Dave) on a four-and-a-half year circumnavigation of this incredible planet. By sharing our journey with you, I am revisiting the places I loved (and places I didn't love.) I am reliving moments of excitement and exhilaration, of fright and uncertainty. There were even moments of tedium and frustration - BUT NEVER BOREDOM! What more can one ask of life? Oh sure, good looks and riches. Thanks, but I'd take an interesting life anytime, wouldn't you? I hope you are having your own "interesting experiences" and dreams that come true. But join me here, too, there's enough for everyone!
Cheers, Sharon

Tigger plowing her way to Kadavu, Fiji

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