Port Hardy Foursquare Church

"Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever" Hebrews 13:8

Mission Statement

* To present Jesus Christ in the language, culture and understanding of every man, woman or child and in every nation.

* To present Jesus Christ as Savior of the world, Baptized with the Holy Spirit, the Great Physician, and the Soon-Coming King.

* To present Christ in the language, culture and understanding of the hearer, rather than of the speaker or church body. Jesus Christ is to be the incarnate Word to this age.

* To provide evangelism and worship opportunities to all generations.

* To develop in its members Spirit-filled, Christ like character, attitudes and obedience to Biblical commands and principles, bringing glory to God. The goal is that God's presence and power be experienced in the life of the worshipper.

* Believing that through His suffering, death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has provided hope for the whole person.

* To become active in meeting the social needs within the community. Including social services activities such as food for the needy, emergency aid, care for the suffering, acceptance of the rejected, and responding to the despair of those who have experienced disaster.

* To provide counseling and support groups to those who have unique needs.

* We seek to present Jesus to this generation in a manner that it can understand, with a message that answers its needs, and with a hope that speaks to its destiny.

* To be mission minded, fulfilling the Great Commission to "Go".

* Above all, the Foursquare Church seeks to maintain Biblical soundness while remaining open to the Holy Spirit in what He is doing in this moment of time to bring forth a fresh birthing of God's calling within us as a Spirit-filled community, as well as ministry to multitudes of hurting men and women.


Service schedule

Mission statement

Bible school

Community outreach

Our needs and contact information
