The Gender Test!

Several websites ( such as and others) claim to be able to guess your gender with 100% accuracy. How? Simply by getting you to answer, as they put it, 'a few questions'. A few questions? Sure, if you've got an hour to spare on ceaseless, tedious mouse clicking. (What? Okay, maybe you do, but that's beside the point.)
I propose to go one better. I guarantee to accurately determine your gender simply by asking you one question. That's right folks- one single question. Think of all that time you can now spare on your Hungarian folk dancing and stamp collecting!
Are you ready? Are you sure? Really sure? Okay then, here's the question!

Question 1

You have...

1)  a penis
2)  a vagina
3) both
4) oo oo ahh ahh AHH AHH AHH!

Guarantee is void on days ending with the letter 'y'.

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