本文へジャンプ 人名編 

(Yuan Sheng)、袁譚(Yuan Tan)が後継をめぐり不仲となっているのをみて、曹操軍は戦いを仕掛けず、内部分裂の機をうかがいます。果たして、袁譚は曹操(Cao Cao)へと寝返り袁尚を打倒しようとします。袁譚は袁尚軍の呂曠(Lu Xiang)、呂翔(Lu Kuang)を説得し、自らの陣へと寝返りさせると、曹操に2人を引き合わせます。曹操はいたく喜び、袁譚に娘との婚約を約すとともに、呂曠、呂翔の二人にも位を与え、黎陽(Liyang)まで連れ従わせます。曹操が袁譚をいずれは害しようとすると見抜いた郭図(Guo Tu)は呂兄弟に将軍の印を与え、内応させるよう仕向けます。曹操はこの計を見抜き、袁譚をなきものにしようとの決意を固めるのでした。 

Yuan Sheng 袁尚 Yuan Tan 袁譚 
Lu Xiang 呂曠 Lu Kuang 呂翔
Guo Tu 郭図 
Yejun  鄴郡 River Ji 済河
White River
白溝 Pingyuan 平原
冀州 Liyang 黎陽

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:邯鄲


ChapterXXXII: Jizhou Taken: Yuan Shang Strives; River Zhang Cut: Xun You Schemes

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

When Yuan Shang heard that Cao Cao had crossed the Yellow River, he hastily led his army back to Yejun, ordering Lu Xiang and Lu Kuang to guard the rear.

Yuan Tan started from Pingyuan with a force in pursuit. He had proceeded only a dozen miles when he heard a bomb and two bodies of troops came out in front of him and checked his progress. Their leaders were Lu Xiang and Lu Kuang.

Yuan Tan reined in and addressed them, saying, "While my father lived, I never treated you badly. Why do you support my brother and try to injure me?"

The two generals had no reply to make, but they dismounted and bowed before him yielding submission.

Yuan Tan said, "Do not surrender to me but to the Prime Minister."

And he led them back to camp, where he waited the arrival of Cao Cao and then presented the pair. Cao Cao received them well.He promised his daughter to Yuan Tan to wife, and he appointed the two brothers as advisers.

When Yuan Tan asked Cao Cao to attack Jizhou, the reply was: "Supplies are short and difficult to transport. I must turn the waters of River Ji into the White River whereby to convey my grain and afterwards I can advance."

Ordering Yuan Tan to remain in Pingyuan, Cao Cao retired into camp at Liyang. The two brothers Lu Xiang and Lu Kuang, who were renegades from Yuan Shang, were now raised to noble rank and followed the army as supernumeraries.

Guo Tu noted this advancement and said to Yuan Tan, " He has promised you a daughter to wife. I fear that bodes no good. Now he has given titles of nobility to the two Lus and taken them with him. This is a bait for the northern people, and at the same time he intends evil toward us.You, my lord, should have two generals' seals engraved and send them secretly to the brothers so that you may have friends at court ready for the day when Cao Cao shall have broken your brother's power, and we can begin to work against him."

The seals were engraved and sent.



