第五十一課: 孫策の死
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

Sun Ce)でしたが、道教(Taoism)の聖者于吉(Yu Ji)を斬り殺してからは于吉の亡霊に悩まされ、体は衰弱する一方でした。いよいよ最期のときが来たと悟った孫策は弟の孫権(Sun Quan)に全権を委ね、迷ったときは国内の政治については張昭(Zhang Zhao)、国外の政治は周瑜(Zhou Yu)に相談するよう遺言すると26歳の若さでこの世を去ったのでした。この時孫権はわずか18歳でした。

Lady Wu 呉夫人 Yu Ji 于吉 
Sun Quan 孫権 Zhang Zhao 張昭 
Zhou Yu 周瑜 Lady Qiao (Da Qiao) 喬夫人(大喬)

Wu 呉 Yue 越

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:孫権立つ


ChapterXXIX:The Little Chief Of The South Slays Yu Ji; The Green Eyed Boy Lays Hold On The South Land

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Next day his mother called him into the city and he went. She was shocked at the change in his appearance: He looked so utterly miserable. Her tears fell.

"My son," said Lady Wu, "how wasted you are!"

He had a mirror brought and looked at himself.He was indeed so gaunt and thin that he was almost frightened and exclaimed, "How do I come to look so haggard?"

While he spoke, Yu Ji appeared in the mirror. He struck it and shrieked. Then the half healed wounds reopened and he fainted.

He was raised and borne within. When he recovered consciousness, he said, "This is the end. I shall die."

He sent for Zhang Zhao and his other chief officers and his brother, Sun Quan, and they gathered in his chamber.

He gave them his dying charge, saying, "In the disordered state of the empire, the domains of Wu and Yue*, with its strong defense of the three rivers and resourceful lands, has a brilliant future. You, Zhang Zhao, must assist my brother."

So saying Sun Ce handed his seal to Sun Quan, saying, "For manipulating the might of Wu so as to make it the deciding force among the factions and then obtaining the whole empire, you are not so suited as I. But in encouraging the wise and confiding in the able and getting the best out of everyone for the preservation of this land, I should not succeed as you will. Remember with what toil and labor your father and I have won what we possess, and take good care thereof."

Sun Quan wept as he knelt to receive the seal, and the dying Sun Ce turned to his mother, saying, "Mother, the days allotted of Heaven have run out, and I can no longer serve my tender mother. I have given over the seal to my brother and trust that you will advise him early and late, and see that he lives worthy of his predecessors."

"Alas! Your brother is full young for such a task," said his mother, weeping. "I know not what may happen."

"He is far abler than I and fully equal to the task of ruling. Should he have doubts upon internal affairs, he must turn to Zhang Zhao; for outer matters he must consult Zhou Yu. It is a pity Zhou Yu is absent so that I cannot give him my charge face to face."

To his brothers Sun Ce said, "When I am gone, you must help your brother. Should any discord arise in the family, let the others punish the wrongdoer and let not his ashes mingle with those of his ancestors in the family vaults."

The young men wept at these words.

Then he called for his wife, Lady Qiao, and said, "Unhappily we have to part while still in the full vigor of life. You must care for my mother. Your sister will come to see you presently, and you can ask her to tell her husband, Zhou Yu*, to help my brother in all things and make my brother keep to the way I have taught him to walk in."

Then Sun Ce closed his eyes and soon after passed away. He was only twenty-six.



