本文へジャンプ 人名編 

(Yuan Shao)の死後、審配(Shen Pei)と逢紀(Peng Ji)は袁紹の遺言に従い袁尚(Yuan Sheng)を後継として冀州(Jizhou)、青州(Qingzhou)、幽州(Youzhou)、並州(Bingzhou)の4州の牧(知事にあたる)とします。長男の袁譚(Yuan Tan)を補佐していた郭図(Guo Tu)と辛評(Xin Ping)はうかつに冀州城に入らず場外に兵を出し様子を見ることをすすめます。袁尚に面会した郭図は曹操(Cao Cao)に対するため審配と逢紀を補佐役としてもらいたいと申し出ます。袁尚は二人とも必要なのでその要求を拒もうとしますが、郭図はそのうちの一人でもと迫ります。袁尚はしぶしぶ袁譚を補佐する一人をくじで決めることとしました。くじを引き当てたのは逢紀で袁尚が跡継ぎとなったことを袁譚に伝えます。袁譚は怒り逢紀を斬ろうとしますが郭図の諌めに従いしぶしぶ袁尚と事を構えるのを控えたのでした。 

Shen Pei 審配 Peng Ji 逢紀 
Yuan Sheng 袁尚 Yuan Tan 袁譚
Guo Tu 郭図 Xin Ping 辛評
Liyang 黎陽
Regent Marshal 大司馬将軍  Supreme Imperial Protector 牧(長官)
General of the Flying Cavalry

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:自壊闘争


ChapterXXXII: Jizhou Taken: Yuan Shang Strives; River Zhang Cut: Xun You Schemes

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Shen Pei and Peng Ji declared Yuan Shang successor with the titles of Regent Marshal and Supreme Imperial Protector of the four regions of Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou and sent in a report of the death of the late Imperial Protector.

At this time Yuan Tan, the eldest son, had already marched out his army to oppose Cao Cao. But hearing of his father's death, he called in Guo Tu and Xin Ping to consult as to his course of action.

"In your absence, my lord," said Guo Tu, "the two advisers of your younger brother will certainly set him up as lord, wherefore you must act quickly."

"Those two, Shen Pei and Peng Ji, have already laid their plans," said Xin Ping. "If you go, you will meet with some misfortune."

"Then what should I do?" asked Yuan Tan.

Guo Tu replied, "Go and camp near the city, and watch what is taking place while I enter and inquire."

Accordingly Guo Tu entered the city and sought an interview with the young Imperial Protector.

"Why did not my brother come?" asked Yuan Shang after the usual salutes.

Guo Tu said, "He cannot come as he is in the camp unwell."

"By the command of my late father, I take the lordship. Now I confer upon my brother the rank of General of the Flying Cavalry, and I wish him to go at once to attack Cao Cao, who is pressing on the borders.I will follow as soon as my army is in order."

"There is no one in our camp to give advice," said Guo Tu. "I wish to have the services of Shen Pei and Peng Ji."

"I also need the help of these two," said Yuan Shang. "And as I am always working at schemes, I do not see how I can do without them."

"Then let one of these two go," replied Guo Tu.

Yuan Shang could do no other than accede to this request, so he bade the two men cast lots who should go.Peng Ji drew the lot and was appointed, receiving a seal of office. Then he accompanied Guo Tu to the camp. But when he arrived and found Yuan Tan in perfect health, he grew suspicious and resigned.

Yuan Tan angrily refused to accept his resignation and was disposed to put him to death, but Guo Tu privately dissuaded him, saying, " Cao Cao is on the borders, and Peng Ji must be kept here to allay your brother's suspicions.After we have beaten Cao Cao, we can at once make an attempt on Jizhou."

Yuan Tan agreed and forthwith broke up his camp to march against the enemy. He reached Liyang and lost no time in offering battle.



