本文へジャンプ 人名編 

三国志前半における曹操(Cao Cao)の最大のライバル袁紹(Yuan Shao)でしたが官渡の戦い(the Battle of Guandu)での敗戦を機に滅亡への道を転がりだします。
田豊(Tian Feng)の死後、袁紹はひどく落ち込みます。その当時袁紹の悩みの種は自らの後継者問題。この機会にこの問題にけりをつけようとします。袁紹は長男の袁譚(Yuan Tan)ではなく三男の袁尚(Yuan Shang)を後継にすえようとします。郭図(Guo Tu)は長男を差し置いて三男を後継にすれば内乱のもととなると猛反対します。三国志演義を代表する後継者争いの種はこのときまかれやがてそれは袁家を滅亡へと導くこととなるのです。

Tien Feng 田豊 Yuan Xi 袁煕 Yuan Tan 袁譚
Yuan Shang 袁尚 Gao Gan 高幹 Lady Liu 劉氏
Shen Pei 審配 Peng Ji 逢紀 
Xin Ping 辛評 Guo Tu 郭図
Qingzhou 青州 Jizhou 冀州 Youzhou 幽州
the Battle of Guandu 官渡の戦い

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:十面埋伏


ChapterXXXI: Cao Cao Overcomes Yuan Shao In Cangting;
Liu Bei Seeks Shelter With Liu Biao In Jingzhou.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

When Yuan Shao came home in Jizhou, he was with troubled mind and distorted thoughts. He could not attend to the business of government and became so ill that his second wife, who came of the Liu family and had replaced the first wife after her death, besought him to make his last dispositions.

Now three sons had been born to Yuan Shao: Yuan Tan the eldest, who was commander at Qingzhou; Yuan Xi, who ruled over Youzhou; and Yuan Shang, borne to him by Lady Liu. This youngest son was very handsome and noble looking, and his father's favorite. So he was kept at home.

After the defeat at Guandu, the lad's mother was constantly urging that her son should be named as successor, and Yuan Shao called together four of his counselors to consider this matter.These four happened to be divided in their sympathies: Shen Pei and Peng Ji being in favor of the youngest son, and Xin Ping and Guo Tu supporters of the eldest.

When they met to consult, Yuan Shao said, " As there is nought but war and trouble outside our borders, it is necessary that tranquillity within be early provided for, and I wish to appoint my successor. My eldest son is hard and cruel, my second is mild and unfit.The third has the outward form of a hero, appreciates the wise, and is courteous to his subordinates.I wish him to succeed, but I wish that you tell me your opinions."

Guo Tu said, "Yuan Tan is your first born, and he is in a position of authority beyond your control. If you pass over the eldest in favor of the youngest, you sow the seeds of turbulence. The prestige of the army has been somewhat lowered and enemies are on our border. Should you add to our weakness by making strife between father and son, elder and younger brothers?Rather consider how the enemy may be repulsed and turn to the question of the heirship later."
Then the natural hesitation of Yuan Shao asserted itself, and he could not make up his mind.Soon came news that his sons Yuan Tan was coming from Qingzhou with sixty thousand troops,Yuan Xi coming from Youzhou with fifty thousand troops, and his nephew Gao Gan coming from Bingzhou with fifty thousand troops to help him,and he turned his attention to preparations for fighting Cao Cao.



