本文へジャンプ 人名編 

最強の布陣を誇った袁紹(Yuan Shao)軍、しかしそのほころびは外からではなく中から来たのでした。袁紹の優柔不断の性格が有能な士を生かすことが出来なかったのです。曹操(Cao Cao)との決戦、官渡の戦い(The Battle Of Guandu)ではまさにそれが表面化し、袁紹は有能な部下を次々と失い、滅亡への道を転げ込むのです。

沮授(Ju Shou)も不遇の士の一人です。曹操が兵糧庫を襲うと袁紹に忠告したにも関わらず袁紹は聞き入れず、逆に囚われの身となってしまうのでした。曹操の軍が牢に入れられていた沮授を捕らえたとき、曹操は彼の才を惜しみ登用しようとしますが沮授は固く拒みついには曹操に殺されてしまうのです。曹操は忠義の士沮授の死を悼むと黄河の渡しの近くに墓を作らせます。

Ju Shou 沮授 
Jizhou 冀州

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:遡巻く黄河


ChapterXXX:Shunning Advice, Yuan Shao Loses Leaders and Granaries; Using Strategy, Cao Cao Scores Victory At Guandu.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Now when Yuan Shao's soldiers ran away, Ju Shou, being a prisoner, could not get away and was captured.

Taken before Cao Cao, who knew him, Ju Shou cried aloud, "I will not surrender!"

Said Cao Cao, "Yuan Shao was foolish and neglected your advice: Why still cling to the path of delusion?Had I had you to help me, I should have been sure of the empire."

Ju Shou was well treated in the camp, but he stole a horse and tried to get away to Yuan Shao.This angered Cao Cao who recaptured him and put him to death, which he met with brave composure.

"I have slain a faithful and righteous man!" then said Cao Cao sadly.

And the victim was honorably buried at Guandu. His tomb bore the inscription This is the tomb of Ju Shou the Loyal and Virtuous.
Ju Shou was honest and virtuous,
The best in Yuan Shao's train
From him the stars no secrets held,
In tactics all was plain.
For him no terrors had grim death.
Too lofty was his spirit,
His captor slew him, but his tomb
Bears witness to his merit.

Cao Cao now gave orders to attack Jizhou.



