第五十二課: 新兵器霹靂車
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

(Liu Bei)は自分のもとを離れ、頼みとしていた孫策(Sun Ce)も急死し、その後継者孫権(Sun Quan)は諸葛謹(Zhuge Jin)の進言により曹操融和策をとったため袁紹(Yuan Shao)は単独で曹操(Cao Cao)討伐の軍を起こします。これが三国志前半を代表する一大決戦のひとつ「官渡の戦い(The Battle of Guandu)」です。袁紹軍の勢いに打ちのめされそうになった時、曹操軍の劉曄(Liu Ye)が考案したのが「発石車(catapult)」。火薬の力で大量の石を敵陣まで飛ばすという当時としてはハイテク兵器。この新兵器の破壊力は強大で袁紹軍はこれを「霹靂車(rumbler)」と呼んで恐れたとのことです。袁紹軍は敵陣までトンネルを掘る「掘子軍(Sappers)」で対抗しましたが曹操軍に見破られ失敗しました。

Liu Ye 劉曄 Shen Pei 審配
catapult(rumbler) 発石車(霹靂車) sappers 掘子軍

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:霹靂車


ChapterXXX:Shunning Advice, Yuan Shao Loses Leaders and Granaries; Using Strategy, Cao Cao Scores Victory At Guandu.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Cao Cao saw that his troops were getting out of hand under this attack, so he called a council.

Liu Ye spoke up, saying, "Let us make catapults and so destroy them."

Cao Cao at once had models brought and set cunning workers to make these stone-throwing machines. They soon constructed some hundreds and placed them along the walls of the camp inside, just opposite the high ladders on the enemy's mounds.

Then Cao Cao's troops watched for Yuan Shao's archers to ascend the towers. As soon as the archers began to shoot, all the catapults began to heave stone balls into the skies and they wrought great havoc. There was no shelter from the falling stones, and enormous numbers of the archers were killed.Yuan Shao's troops called these machines "Rumblers," and after their appearance the archers dared not ascend the mounds to shoot.

Then Shen Pei, the strategist, thought out another plan. He set troops to tunnel under the walls into the midst of Cao Cao's camp and called this corps "The Sappers". Cao Cao's soldiers saw the enemy digging out pits behind the mounds and told the chief, who at once sought a counter plan from Liu Ye.

"As Yuan Shao can no longer attack openly, he is attacking secretly and is tunneling a road under ground into the midst of our camp," said Liu Ye.

"But how to meet it?"

"We can surround the camp with a deep moat which renders their tunnel useless."

So a deep moat was dug as quickly as possible, and when the enemy sappers arrived thereat, lo! their labor had been in vain and the sap was useless.



