第四十二課: 曹操、関羽に赤兎馬を贈る
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

曹操(Cao Cao)は関羽(Guan Yu)を自分の配下にするべくありとあらゆる手を使います。かつて呂布(Lu Bu)が乗っていた一日千里を駆ける名馬赤兎馬(Red Hare)を関羽に与えたのもそのひとつ。他の贈り物には見向きもしなかった関羽でしたが赤兎馬は大変気に入った様子。それでも主君の居所が知れれば一刻も早くこの馬で向かいたいと応える関羽。劉備(Liu Bei)への忠義心はまったく揺るぎがないのでした。

Guan Yu 関羽 Cao Cao 曹操
Red Hare 赤兎馬

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、破衣錦心


Chapter XXV: Besieged In Tushan Mountains, Guan Yu Makes Three Conditions;
The Rescue At Baima, Cao Cao Is Released.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Another time, after a banquet, Cao Cao was seeing his guest start from the gate of his palace when he noticed that his charger was very thin.

"Why is it so thin?" said Cao Cao.

"My worthless body is rather heavy and really too much for it. It is always out of condition."

Cao Cao at once told his attendants to bring out a certain steed, and before long it appeared. It was red, like glowing charcoal, and a handsome creature in every way.

"Do you recognize it?" asked Cao Cao.

"Why, it is no other than Red Hare!" cried Guan Yu.

"Yes; it is Red Hare," said Cao Cao.

And he presented the horse, all fully caparisoned, to his guest.

Guan Yu bowed many times and thanked him again and again, till Cao Cao began to feel displeased and said, "I have given you many things, lovely handmaids and gold and silks and never won a bow of gratitude from you before. This horse seems to please you better than all the rest. Why do you think so poorly of the damsels and so much of the steed?"

"I know the horse: It can travel five hundred miles a day, and I am very lucky to get him. Now as soon as I find out where my brother is, I can get to him in a single day," said Guan Yu.

Cao Cao grumbled to himself and began to repent of his gift.



