第四十一課: 関羽、漢王朝に降伏する
本文へジャンプ 人名編 
徐州(Xuzhou)城を落とした曹操(Cao Cao)軍は一計を案じ、関羽(Guan Yu)のいる下ヒ(Xiapi)城をも陥落させます。曹操はかねてから忠義の士関羽を自分の配下にしたいと考えていたのでした。降伏を勧める使者として関羽のもとに赴いたのが張遼(Zhang Liao)でした。張遼はかつて白門楼(White Gate Tower)で関羽に命を救ってもらった恩があり、なんとしても関羽を無駄死にさせてはならじと必死に説得します。関羽は降伏の三条件を張遼に示し、曹操も受け入れ関羽は曹操の軍門に下ったのでした。

Zhang Liao 張遼 
Peach Garden Oath 桃園の義(誓い)Imperial Uncle 皇叔(劉備のこと)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、恋の曹操


Chapter XXV: Besieged In Tushan Mountains, Guan Yu Makes Three Conditions;
The Rescue At Baima, Cao Cao Is Released.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

"You would be guilty of three faults if you died."

"Tell me them," said Guan Yu.

"First of all, you and your elder brother pledged yourselves in the Peach Garden to die or to live together. Now your brother has been defeated, and you want to fight to the death. Therefore, if your brother appears again by and by and wants your help, he will seek it in vain.Is this anything else than betraying the Peach Garden Oath?Secondly, you are in charge of your brother's family and, if you fought and died, the two women would be left forlorn and without a protector. That would be a betrayal of trust. Thirdly, your military skill stands out conspicuous and will go down in history. If you do not aid your brother in his noble attempt to maintain the dynasty, then all your labors and sufferings will have been spent to win a worthless reputation as a valiant fool. Where is the sense in that? I feel it my duty to point out these three faults to you."

Guan Yu remained silent and thought for some time.

Then he said, "You have spoken of my three faults. What do you desire?"

"You are surrounded with the certainty of death if you do not yield. There is no advantage in a useless death. Wherefore your best course is to yield to Cao Cao till you hear news of Liu Bei and can rejoin him. Thus you will ensure the safety of the two ladies and also keep inviolate the Peach Garden compact. You will preserve a useful life. Brother, you must reflect on these things."

"Brother, you have spoken of three advantages; now I have three conditions. If the Prime Minister concede these, then will I doff my armor. If he refuses, then I prefer to be guilty of the three faults and die."

"Why should the Prime Minister not concede them? He is most liberal and large minded. I pray you let me hear your conditions."

" The first is that as I and the Imperial Uncle have sworn to support the Hans, I now submit to the Emperor and not to His Prime Minister Cao Cao. The second condition is that suitable provision be made for the two ladies under my care and that no one shall be allowed to approach them.The third is that I shall be allowed to set off to rejoin Uncle Liu Bei so soon as I shall hear where he is, whether it be far or near. I require all these to be satisfied. Failing a single one, I will not submit. Wherefore, Zhang Liao, I pray you hasten back and announce them."



