第四十五課: 曹操、関羽を見送る
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

避客牌(Chinese no-visitor sign)で関羽(Guan Yu)の暇乞いの訪問を拒み続けた曹操(Cao Cao)でしたが、去るのを止められないのであればせめて気持ちよく送り出してやろうと関羽を追いかけます。曹操は餞別にと関羽に路銀(a packet of gold)を贈り、錦のひたたれ(a silken coat)を与えます。関羽は曹操のもとで受けた恩義を長く忘れませんでした。

North of Yellow River 河北
Lordship Seal 官印(漢寿亭侯)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:関羽千里行


ChapterXXVII: The Man of Beautiful Beard Rides On A Solitary Journey;
Guan Yu Slays Six Generals Through Five Passes

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Seeing Guan Yu was ready to fight, Cao Cao ordered his escort to open out in two lines, and then it was seen they carried no arms. This relieved his mind, for it proved to Guan Yu they meant no attack.

"Why do you go in such haste, Guan Yu?" asked Cao Cao.

Guan Yu inclined his head but did not dismount, saying, "I informed you in writing that since my lord was in the North of Yellow River, I had to leave at once.I went to your palace again and again but was refused admittance.So I wrote a letter of farewell, sealed up the treasure, resigned my lordship seal, and left everything for you.I hope you recall the promise you once made me."

Cao Cao replied, " My desire is to keep my troth with all people.I cannot go back on my word. However, you may find the journey expensive, and therefore I have here prepared a sum of money to help you."

Then from horseback Cao Cao held out a packet of gold.

Guan Yu said, "I have sufficient left from your former bounty. Keep that for presents to your soldiers."

"Why should you refuse this? It is but an insignificant return for great services."

"My services have been all trifling, not worth mentioning."

"Really, Guan Yu, you are the most high-principled of humans. I am very sorry my luck is too poor to retain you at my side. Pray accept just this robe to show you I am not quite ungrateful," said Cao Cao.

And one of his generals, dismounting, held up a silken coat in both hands. Guan Yu even still fearful of what might happen, would not dismount, but he reached down his sword and took the robe on its point. Then he threw it over his shoulders and turned to thank the giver.

"I thank you, Sir Prime Minister, for the robe and trust we shall meet again."

So saying, Guan Yu went down from the bridge and bore away to the north.



