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The contribution that expert systems can make to internet use

Before discussing the contribution that expert systems can make to internet use, it is important to understand what expert systems are. So first I will explain what an expert system is.

Expert systems can also be known as knowledge based system, an expert system is a program which contains information about a subject that has been collected from one or more human experts of the subject. They are generally composed of two parts a knowledge base and a reasoning engine. So expert systems are a type of Artificial intelligence, the user will generally input information and with this the expert system will process it and try to come to a conclusion. A good example of this is a medical website where you input your symptoms and it attempts to diagnose you with a medical condition, or alternatively informs you that you are actually fine and healthy. As well as medicine expert systems are used in the fields of accounting, human resources, finances etc.

These expert systems were originally run on single workstations for one user, however the internet makes these expert systems widely accessible so they can be used from anywhere around the world. Because of this it is possible the way we do many things, for example go to the GP may change. For example NHS Direct now have an online self-help expert system which they recommended using before calling them. In time as this system improves it may eventually replace visiting the GP, instead you diagnose yourself online and book an appointment with a consultant directly.

With the creation of expert systems and the sharing of them via the internet, knowledge with no longer disappear when an expert of the field dies instead that information could be shared via an expert system which people could even learn from.
