Skank Lyrics

Jailbait Skank Queen | Skank Revolution | Mental State of Mind | Wasted Time | Confusion | Kill Yr Mother | Brother in-Law | Rainbow of Happiness | My Life | But You Lied | Punk as Fuck | Greg's 8th in Z Minor

Jailbait Skank Queen

(Music: Josh, Lyrics: Lin)

jailbait skank queen with a black dress on (just barely)
so hot and nasty, yeah, you turn me on
i gotta get you, honey, in my backseat, yeah
i'm gonna smear that pout, know how to treat you, yeah

i'm gonna get you, baby
i'm gonna mess with yer head
i'm gonna make you love me
i'm gonna get you, baby, i'm gonna get you baby, yeah

you spent the day in detention and yer boyfriend dumped ya
now yer cruisin' the playground in yer fuck-me pumps
and with yer sleaze-girl pack, head for the liquor store
i had a 40 and some winston's, could girl ask for more?

jailbait skank queen, jailbait skank queen
jailbait skank queen, jailbait skank queen


Skank Revolution

(Music: Ruel and Greg, Lyrics: Lin)

we ain't pretty, ain't the best
sometimes we sound like all the rest
and by now you've probably guessed, this song has just one chord
(but) we do it anyway, get out of our way
when Skank comes to yer town, we're gonna get down

what can i say?
it's a sound and a feelin' you just can't escape
word to the wise, don't believe the lies
when Skank comes to yer town, we're gonna get down

children run and hide
suckers step aside
Skank Revolution is here, it ain't an option
hide yer daughters and yer wives
or they'll be sodomized
when Skank comes to yer town, we're gonna get down


Mental State of Mind

(Music: Ruel, Lyrics: Josh)

voices tell me to kill my family
i can't remember the way it used to be
all i see is a knife in my hand
kill is all i hear when i stab that man

it's just my mental state of mind
it's my mental state of mind
it's my mental state of mind
it's my mental state of mind

visions of blood and guts
oozin' from her burns is the pus
from my hands, smells like gasoline
people ask me why are you so mean?


Wasted Time

(Music: Ruel, Lyrics: Josh)

mute screams reverberate through the empty halls of my mind
as i lose the eluding shards of consciousness
the climax of combustion and flames
my curiosity is needing to bear my sacrifices
violently i collapse in madness
my vision fades to black and abandons me to rot

i'm worthless
just a waste of time
don't bother me
i'll be just fine



(Music: Josh, Lyrics: Lin)

bored to tears - ain't got no beer, it's sunday
a phase? a fad? - amazed and sad and lonely
we were friends 'til last weekend, you called me
went out - had sex, i'm lost - what's next? please tell me?


it's been a week, i'm feeling sick and ugly
call all the time - get a busy line, please call me
you can't ignore this, please don't throw our friendship away
can't stand not knowing where we're going, tell me


Kill Yr Mother

(Music: Ruel and Josh, Lyrics: Bill Bartley and Ruel)

kill yr mother and go to hell (12 times)
i'm a happy little boy (3 times)
i won't listen to you anymore
kill yer mother and go to hell


Brother In-Law

(Music and Lyrics: Ruel)

it makes me sick to look at you
everytime i see you i wish you were dead
i can't stand the fact that yer in my family
i wish you would die you son of a bitch

DIE, die bastard die
DIE, die bastard die

if you only didn't have a daughter to raise
i would rip off yer head and piss down yer throat
if i was god i would make you die
a slow and painful death


Rainbow of Happiness

(Music: Josh and Jason, Lyrics: Lin)

you try and tell me what to do
yer censor stick beats me black and blue
freedom of speech sucker get a clue
my right gonna do what i gotta do


silence this 'cos you don't wanna see
how yer america is treating me
how yer america is failing me
how yer america is killing me



My Life

(Music: Lin and Josh, Lyrics: Lin)

poised on the precipice of nothing
balanced on the brink of my despair
everyday i try to make my contribution
even though i know nobody cares

it's my life
it's my will
if i can't live with myself
nobody will

never thought that i'd already be a father
my wife still thinks that i'm a kid
will my children grow up to hate me
if i don't do things, like our fathers did

quarter of a century behind me
still got a lot of life to live
so what if others think i'm useless
still think i got a lot to give


But You Lied

(Music: Josh and Ruel, Lyrics: Josh)

we used to hang out and be good friends
fell in love, together 'til the end
it's been a while now, since you've been gone
that's why i had to write this song

you said you loved me, but you lied
you said you loved me, but you lied

now here i am, i'm all alone
can't even call you up on the phone
i guess we were good friends and nothing more
i'm glad yer gone, you good-fer nothin' whore


Punk as Fuck

(Music: Josh and Lin, Lyrics: Lin)

dropped out of school
ain't got no job
i'm bored to death
i'm punk as fuck, now

girlfriend dumped me
parents hate me
no friends either
punk as fuck, now

pawn shop Fender
know three chords
all pissed off
i'm punk as fuck,nowwwwwwww



Greg's 8th in Z Minor (Instrumental)

(Music: Greg and Josh)

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