Mommy's World
Shelley's Atom
Bonnie's World
Karen's World
Colleen's World

The Stinky Couch In Its Natural Environment

A young Bonnie uses the powers of the Stinky Couch to aid her in the reading of Clifford books.

A young Shelley is temperarily paralized by the Stinky Couch

Every year the Stinky Couch sent us off to school.

Look at the joy the Sinky Couch brought to Shelley at such an influencial age.

The Stinky Couch caused people to do strange things: Erin, a frequent neighbourhood guest becomes "shy" when in contact with the couch, Bonnie is forced to gasp for air, seeking salvation from the stench, and Colleen can only gulp on a drink to keep from lashing out against the holes in the couch.

The Stinky Couch was the site of many a fanciful feast.
Seen here around the Stinky Couch:
Bonnie, Crystal, Karen, Kimey, Rachel, Nicole, Tina B

The Stinky Couch was also a site to everyday and common events like Shelley doing her nails.

The Stinky Couch also sparked such creativity such as Bonnie's mad colouring and Karen's colourful use of the English language - that is in reference to her large vocabulary aquired from much reading.

And when separated from the Stinky Couch as seen here on our trip to Calgary, the entire Speed Family arranged in decreasing age engages in huge bouts of jocularity such as preforming the legendary "Three Short-Neck Buzzards"