Editorial Experience:

Schwaebische Zeitung

07/2000 – 09/2000  

 Type: daily newspaper in Isny, Germany
 Position: editorial internship
 Responsibilities:   writing news articles, research 

Bild Stuttgart


 Type: daily newspaper in Stuttgart, Germany
 Position: editorial internship
 Responsibilities: writing news articles, research

Muenchner Wochenblatt

 10/1997 - 12/1997 

 Type: weekly newspaper in Munich, Germany
 Position: editorial internship
 Responsibilities: writing news articles, research

Radio Prima1


 Type: radio station in Memmingen, Germany  
 Position: editorial internship 
 Responsibilities: news broadcasting, interviews


Organizational Experience:

Fachhochschule Fulda

03/1999 - 07/2000  

 Type: University of Applied Sciences, department of business administration

 Position: student assistant of Prof. Dr. Wahl

 Responsibilities: administrative and organizational support for classes

Edelmann & Ridder GmbH & Co. KG

07/1998 - 08/1998 

 Type:  production of mountaineering ropes & trade of climbing equipment

 Position: temporary employee

 Responsibilities: fillings,  reception, switchboard



[Studies]   [Interests]   [Photoalbum]   [Writings]   [Guestbook]