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Part 4
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saw a good episode of cow & chicken this week, it was's horse.  did you catch it? funnier that shit, cow got herself a horsie-do-fine.  i never laughed so hard.  i can still hear her sweet voice........

howdy ho, neighbor.  sorry i haven't written, but work's been a real
                bear, as opposed to a barney bear, up until just about today or right
                about now whichever you prefer.  not much is up.

                the house hasn't blown down or caught on fire yet so that's good news.

                oh, the new brendan perry release is FINALLY out so i ordered that.
                i'll have to keep you updated and perhaps send you a blank cd-r with
                nothink on it so the secret police can't detect location.  of course,
                he's probably updated his computers, has fingerprint i.d. ability, dna
                type testing and retinal scan imagery set ups, so i shouldn't count my

                i was thinking about the ol' PAN story and for a glimmer of a moment i
                thought about rejoining the fight to work on that narrative.  i think
                it'd make a neat black comedy short film for someone, but god knows
                who.  the ending i could never figure out and i had this idea not to
                end it but state something or other about his mother's illness (lord
                knows i've had enough of that in the family lately), work in some
                potential y2k problem the human race must be having with the world, and
                the fact that shampoo manufacturer's are deliberately marketing and
                selling product to propagate male pattern baldness, since they, in
                turn, supply the same companies that market and sell the product to
                allegedly fix the problem, thus creating a vicious cycle of profit and
                more profit; but then i thought it generally didn't have much to do
                with the storyline so i threw that idea out the window for general lack
                of interest.

check it out now.  i've been a bad, bad email companion of late, no?  you talk of reviving your PAN.  no response. no response.  yea, i've been a little wrapped up in self lately, what with all the training and what-not that telco bestoweth upon my very sole. soul. seoul.  selling my horsie-do-fines and taking care of personal business.  keeping the creditors off my very back (which means no more than i've been paying bills, no hidden meaning there) and
managing the safe deposit police force.  it's been crazy, man.  and i do support your  resurrecting the PAN.  i'll get my copy out and peruse again, see if any "ending" comes to mind, though the hair-thing was pretty darned clever.

caught the caffeine episode of cow & chicken late last night.  never laughed so hard (AGAIN) in my life.  i like the part where cow rescues chicken and sprays warm milk in his mouth, he fills up, falls off, and wakes up bloated in his bed the next day.  oh siggie, if that's not the best then i don't know what is.

ground control to major siglo.  siglo, can ya hear me?  send me a sign, baby.  tell me that you--and yours--and doing well.

yeah, i'm fine da'link.  hell you'll have to send me the hair idea
                back, i can barely remember it.  are you out there?  is there anybody
                out there?  you talkin' to me?  all is fine and dandy.  work has slowed
                long enough for me to play catch up, ketchup, and play with it all at
                the same time, woo-hoo.  wish i could have seen the cow and chicken
                episode again.  you should have rang the bat phone but then the safety
                deposit police you manage soooo well would have been on your ass or
                your ass would have been forced upon him first, whichever you prefer.
                haven't seen, talked to, or did much of kate lately as she's busy as a
                one-armed, two profession co-worker, slash shopping bandit, whoring
                herself to the green instead of the man; so i like gotta ask myself
                'what's up with that?' but then i recognize there are bills to pay,
                debts to clear and the man understands that one quite well so i'm fine
                with that.  i'm down with that, i can dig.  unfortunately the last
                couple of times we coupled she hasn't felt like coupling at the docking
                station but that must have something to do with alien visitors upon her
body, the x-files and mulder being locked away in a cacophony of
                thought and insanity, it's all a conspiracy linked to the hair follicle.
                the new brendan perry release rules, and he's in SF with kristin hersh,
                the bastard brother of a friend i have out there can enjoy it and i
                can't.  bleh.  i've watched 'swoon', 'jackie brown' (again), and a host
                of other great films on IFC, how i love the digital age, and i'm
                enjoying letting the leaves pile up in my postage stamp sized front
                yard, but other than that i'm not doing much.  your name comes up, up
                pops your wounderment, i laugh, i think of the great fun we share if
                for no other reason than our chemicals must be aligned to the magnetic
                force of the sun, the moon, the stars, oh, yes, it's the stars, baby,
                and i'm 3 minutes to countdown...2...1...i'm outta here for the early
                retirement plan, love.  you behave.

i'd rather be anywhere but here.  at least i get to leave early.  me and my little bundle of joy have eye doctor appointments today.  he'll probably give me bifocals, as i've not been able to read my computer screen for at least the last 3 months without the assistance of my  glasses (for distance).  make sense?  NO. the screen is affecting my eyes in a bad way, and something will be done.  probably a granny  bifocal, with my luck.  i guess i'm both near AND far sighted, now.   ack.  hack, hack.  ARGH.

i guess i'm stuck in a rut right now.  hope you're doing better than me, though i'll pull myself out of it.  i always do.

well, i for one don't like ruts.  i know the feeling.  i sort of feel
                that way myself, though i'm trying to avoid it.  work has been a bit
                more relaxing lately and i can handle lots more of that.  personally i
                feel like my life is pretty damn stagnant and boring and for the most
                part lifeless.  not sure why i feel that way.  i guess i don't do much
                and i enjoy not doing much sometimes and then i get bored doing nothing
                a damn day long, wondering what the hell i'm here at all for if all i'm
                going to do is nothing.  get the picture?  i don't like running my ass
                off all over the place to do something though, which is sort of
                required in this fair, sprawled out city of ours, so that sucks, but
                i'm just bored and i gotta pee and get the hell out of here before i
                start getting bombarded with more phone calls as if i were honey and a
                swarm of killer bees were on the prowl for grub.

the pee was uneventful and i suppose that's a good thing.  going to be
                busier than hell tomorrow and this on a day where i wanted to attend a
                presentation so i guess i'll be forced to x that one of the schedule.
                how irritating.

hey chicken.  leave me alone, man.  i'm launchin FROGGIES.
love, cow.

                darling, come here f*ck me up the a**.  lords of acid.  you know that
                would be pretty hard for you to do though so i guess that's out.  what
                the hell is up with you, bad girl?  you launchin' froggies still?  i'm
                bored and soon to be corrected with a gift of anonymous and blatant
                driving around for no reason in the sun.  then i'm outta here.

have $$$$$.  will pay for answers.

what have i become?

you're the woman who needs a good man, baby.  hahahaha.  no whoring and
                no answers.  what is this world coming to?  you have money, need fun
                and answers.  sounds like the makings of a good sugar daddy.  ah, the
                mind is going.  well, do have fun.  you know how to do that.  no ideas
                on the disco a go-go.  it's best spy or dj time.

the captive heart

                the old clock is ticking now
                marks the space between us
                your memory enshrouds my heart
                for i am held a captive

                sometimes my soul desires
                to take leave of this old world
                to spread these golden wings and fly
                to the city of angels

                but then if i close my eyes
                i can see you standing there
                your face in permanence smiles
                your lips a chalice

                seems like i've loved you all my life
                never thought i'd find you
                one day the muse may lend these words wings
                so i can touch you

                but hey
                don't worry if the feelings not strong for you
                i have lived my life in accordance
                to the windfalls of passion
                though i know what it means
                to be loved and then forgotten

                i have seen too many men
                driven insane by their distractions

                -- brendan perry

                it's going to be a crazy day so i'm in 'do not disturb' mode on the
                phone.  that means our secretary will no doubt come forth, heels a
                clickin', to let me know i've got a call and i just don't know what to
                do with it unless you answer it, siggie.  bleh.

yea, poe was a maniac.  and he DEFINITELY would have killed his true love (the like kind) because they thought many of the same thoughts.  instead he killed himself, and people everywhere are devoting their very lives to figuring him out.

i like his stuff.  very deep, not as it seems.  huge psychological undertones (some of which i STILL can not identify or understand).

tried to drop stats.  my advisor (sister fran) talked me into staying a 3rd night, and if i still can't hang after 3, then i can throw in the towel and try again at a later time, 50% refund, big "w" on my transcript, do not pass go, do not take quants the next semester (until and unless the sister can clear it with the instructor).  what a coward am i.  i had it all worked out that i would drop the thing, then a 15 minutes conversation with a nun (whom i love dearly, and trust) changes my mind.  surprise?  no surprise.  predictable.  probabilities.  FRUSTRATION.

i can never be a good writer, siglo.  not like poe, not like the greats. oh, i could probably cough up a decent novel or two, but nothing that would leave a mark permanently.  some of these guys were such geniuses.

but then again, i wonder if we read WAY more into their works (because we analyze it to death) and build much more into the theory than the author ever knew.  what do you think?  i mean, the author doesn't even ELUDE to a thought (case in point: a main character having an incestual relationship with his sister) though poe critics believe it to be true.

                i completely disagree with your point.  like kinds kill each other, and
                are bored 10 minutes after they begin a relationship.  no chance of
                staying together long term, as like kinds do not get along.  they
                can't.  like kinds CRAVE opposite kinds, for the exact reasons you
                said, though i would argue that opposite kinds have a higher rate of
                achievement (specifically, staying together) than like kinds.  imagine
                waking up every day with a mirror image of yourself.  oh, you'll poke
                fun at the comment, but think about it.  couldn't work.

                check your stats.  like minded people stay together longer.  ask any
                marriage counselor for the truth and you'll see it.  i wouldn't
                necessarily be bored with like minded persons lurking about.  think
                about it.  who did you get along with better in the past?  like minded
                i should hope.  i don't hang around aggressive, extroverted
                non-thinking or feeling types, do i?  no.  i hang around neurotic
                (makes you sort of one of us, no?), thinking, feeling, perceptive,
                intuitive, sometimes intelligent, humorous, quick-witted, artistic or
                creative types who would just as soon be locked up in a padded room if
                it weren't for the 90's and our lax perspective on life.  are you and i
                like minded?  are you and i boring to each other?  hardly.  i'm not
                saying we'd work in any sort of relationship, don't even try to make
                that point, i'm just saying we seem like minded and we get along.  i
                shudder to think of how that could possibly work if your theory weren't
                so illogical.

do you not find it sad that possibly, maybe neither you nor i might make some mark (any mark) on this earth?  that our very existence might just be for nuthink?

i'm BOTHERED by that.  i want to do better.  that statistical mother fucker has taught me that i know WAY less than i would like to admit.  and i want to know more.  even statistics.  i want to conquer.  if only it were that easy.

as for like minds.  maybe my theory is illogical, maybe it is not.  i don't even feel the need to argue the point, as i value to many different types of people in my life, you know?  it takes all types to keep it spicy.  this....coming from a borderline introvert/extrovert with a very small circle of close friends.  of which you are definitely included, by the way.  i guess i don't identify myself with any type, per se.  what type am i, anyway?  what type are you?  is it so easy to merely place a label on it and file it away in the pantry of life?  what does it take to change a type, after it is labeled?  what if i don't agree with the label you label me?  what if others would label me different?

see the problem with types?  labels?

so don't quote me any statistics baby, cause i'm a statistical retard.  this i stand behind.  this i know.  but DO NOT label me as such, kate?

i'm quite content to leave my mark on life in the little ways, in
                getting to know and understand the few people i tend to associate with
                or call my friends.  if i somehow manage to make a good impression
                great, if not so be it.  i don't worry about whether i'll make some
                landmark discovery or creation.  i'd like to influence something or
                someone, but i'm not going to make it a point or a topic of need.  if
                it happens it happens.  i won't sweat the details.

                as for labels, i'm an introvert.  this i know.  i'm not extremely
                outgoing to those i don't know very well.  that label is stuck and
                permanently affixed hereto.  yeah, we can all slip in and out (oh,
                baby) of our labels, wearing masks here and there, but my belief is our
                core has a stamp on it and it's the real deal.  you can cover the
                stamp, hide the stamp, alter the stamp, but when the investigation is
                made in full your stamp gives the true you away.

so you've got your own singular self-label.  INTROVERT.  that said.....what is mine?  label me.  i demand it.

and about making a mark on the world.  i'm not talking about inventing the equivalent of electricity, an automobile, or a cappuccino maker  (mmmmmmm).  nothing like that.  more about the things we COULD do, with what we DO do (no, not doo-doo).  make sense?  for me it's writing.  it's a passion.  i do it all the time, really.  it's what i want to do for a living.  i don't want to work in an office every day, please.  but when i read the greats (poe, twain, even the authors of tomorrow) i'm overwhelmed by their very talent and my lack thereof.  what i do seems so small, comparatively.

do you think poe knew he was great?  or do you think he thought of himself as a slave to his alcohol and drugs, never really comprehending his true talent.  did he know?

think about how harshly we judge our friends with alcohol and drug problems.  think about it.  are they the next poe's to be?  some of my friends that are the most messed up are the most talented.

i'm cornfused.

some of our drugged out friends are truly genius in their own right.
                bauhaus is in some ways and in others he falls flat on his face.  aside
                from that he's ADD (not fully digital, ha).  i'd say you're ENTP as a
                guess, or extroverted, intuitive, thinking, perceptive type, whereas
                i'm in INFP.  i never think.  never.

                i get your drift but i don't.  add confusion + chaos = makes a man and
                woman want to booze and whore.  not sure if poe knew he was great.
                probably knew he was a maniac and whacked, in addition to not fitting
                in with the norms of society, beyond the pale and well beyond his time;
                but some of those greats just don't realize they're great, ya know?
                some probably do.  take mozart, i think he knew he was great, and he
                knew he was a nut.  i suppose it depends on the person and what sort of
                feedback they get from society.  mozart got plenty.  poe probably did
                not.  it would have to depend on the person though, in that some people
                can hear that they're great a dam day long and they never believe it,
                or take it to heart.  others relish in that sort of limelight.  i care
               not for that sort of thing myself.  i think shakespeare fell along the
                same lines as poe in many respects.  he was trite, but poetic and
    mesmerizing in an alcoholic sort of way; but i don't believe he was
                truly appreciated until much later in time.  poe, on the other hand,
                was not trite, at least not in my mind.  shakespeare was fanciful and
                playful, with a touch of darkness, whereas poe was pretty much just
                plain bleak with a touch of romance and passion.

                blah blah blah.  you could write if you wanted to, if you had the
                energy for the passion to well up inside you (aka boredom). i know i
                had the passion and feeling in college, wrote a bunch of
                non-structured, non-sensical, dark and bleak ridiculousness (and still
                fly off on those daily tangents every now and then); without structure,
                without merit, too abstract for comprehension and i was pretty damned
                proud of it because i understood it but could not convey it to the
                masses (though a few friends latched onto it like candy).  i didn't
                really care to make anything of it.  it was therapy for me.  i suppose
                writing today is still therapy.  i enjoy it.  i have nothing tangible
                to say except i can rant and rave with the best of them.  a story or
                poet this makes me not, so hear i lay before you, naked, child-like,
                innocent and stupid all in one breath.

oh would you PUH-LEASE stop rushing me.  i won't sacrifice quality for meaningless speed.  before the thing is posted it must be edited, formatted (though with the intention to preserve the beloved ART) and that will take some time on both our parts.

you just concentrate on procuring the necessary real estate and establishing that joint mail account, and i'll focus on the edit.

did i mention i'm being forced to work today?

did you see the latest alec baldwin movie?  i didn't but i do remember a specific scene from the previews.  alec is a fat, lazy (divorced) beer drinking dad complete with thick bronx accent, giving his kid some advice on dating.  he says something like.....son, makin love is a lot like chinese food, it aint ovah until ya both get'cha cookies.  alright?  capice?  now go on, get outta he'yah.

you can get that free-mail account if you like.  but i'm wondering (i wounder a dam day long) if there's a way to send the responses to SEPARATE email accounts.  meaning, somebody responds to the banter and the message goes to YOUR hoo and MY hoo at the same time.  if not, we can split the new account and both of us can check it each day, yadda yadda BOOM.  to HOOmail or to HOTmail.  that is the question.

maybe you should investigate real estate for the  or is it dot.doc?  now i'm cornfused.

maybe establish residence at geocities?  i'm assuming that real estate is still free there.  we need to start decorating.


wow, you've been a busy, busy boy!!  you so groovy, me love you long long time.

                i did some additional editing and removing of a few paragraphs, so if
                you haven't done anything to dot let me know and i'll send it your way
                so you can start from that point.

                i'll fill you in on site stuff.  mail will hopefully be
       if i gots anything to say about it.

man we have some serious spelling problems, even with the purposeful
                once.  hehe.  you want anything other than this on the real estate
                you'd better stake your claim quick, baby.  get your flags a hoppin'
                and get it to me at (censored) before i gets to work on gettin'
                some real estate up and a new mail account for feedback.  one we can
                both share, i supposen.  no deletions of those files.

all right, i ain't got no rhythm on the ism file so you's gonna have to
                send it my way, cow.  or better yet, i'll let you add it to the
                beginning in place of the 'ex-squeeze me' line.

ah, shit, i forgot the most important part.  i needs to find that
                explanation we made about the isms to add that to the beginning of dot
                and then we'll see what happens.  were it to actually make sense.

allrighty then, ya headless hoo whore, where's my bitches?  okay, uh,
                i'll have to regurgitate this bad boy up to ya again, deary.  i added a
                line, you can add later.  ya see if we go on addin' here and there
                without keeping the document stable we might just have a nuclear
                implosion and then where would we be but far off in tha motherland of
                another continent, aye.

i can't stand the work.  bleh.  be sure to add some today funnies to
                the doc.  i haven't but thought about it.  i thunk i could, i thunk i
                could. duh.  we ain't got nothin' to lose on the loose.  turn me loose,
                turn me loose, i gotta have it my way, or no way at all.

yeah, geo-shitties is free but they have these new java boxes that pop
                up and REALLY piss me off, though their servers are still faster than
                the crap that those OTHER sites pawn off for peanuts.  i'd like to get
                it set up as a domain, but we're not ready for that i guess.,
                or, yeah, that's it.  for now about all we could use is a
                redirector but that throws another banner up.  bleh.  i guess i can
                start the masquerade once (not to be confused with ones or pants =
                pance) i get home.

you know, half the fun with the dot.doc messages was the SUBJECT LINES that we had.  unfortunately there is no way to retrieve or otherwise recreate THOSE, so i'll drop the idea like searing hot tar from the parking garage directly into my friend kenn's ear.  great story there, primarily because it is true.  i believe that incident to be a great metaphor in kenn's life.  he has other ideas.....

a-o-HELL had me offline all morning a dam day long.  don't even ask.  so i just not got the computer up & running to get all four of your messages.  you're excited like a little kid.  i can tell.  NEVER do i get 4 messages from you all at once, before i'm able to respond.  cracks me up.  fun to see you like this.  see what a good project can do????

many thanks for the editing.  i'll work on the new doc some, hopefully in the next few hours.  unfortunately, mama telco is requiring me to work some....the nerve.....

okay, i've paired this puppy down to 70 pages instead of 80.  there
                were a lot of items added twice, so that took care of a great deal and
                there were two page inserts a la an exceptional bill gates office
                product, so here ya'z go.  you'll need to help in the editing as well.
                not sure i'd like to include information about the K (charcter is fine,
                but specifics about what we do or whatever isn't) or rick's mom, but
                other than that anything goes.  it's your life.  as of yet i haven't
                removed that type of stuff but it's stuff that may be problematic in
                the event that the wrong person finds out who they are.  k is referred
                to as kate, so perhaps i could just change it to k instead at those
                locations and that would be fine.  attached hereto is the voice of
                world control. yahoo is a flatulating stuffed pig.  oink.

                working on this brings back so much.  such fun.  we're two peas in a
                pod, thankfully not two pees in a pot.  i found a lot of repeated stuff
                so far, but not too much.  jus' workin' it, dear.  some things were
                misplaced, but that's okay.  i left in a lot of misplacements, gettin'
                down with the replacements.  i already think this is funnier than
                anything written along the same lines, but that's jus' cuz i love ya
                and you so good to me, baby.

i like your ideas.  uh.  the problem with identifying who said what is
                that i personally don't care.  i think it's funny that you don't know
                exactly whether this comes from one person or two.  of course, you
                catch on to it, but that's the challenge for the uneducated.  who's
                saying what?  don't know.  sounds like a personal problem.  i agree
                some editing is needed in that perhaps things could be rearranged or
                spaced so as to clear a few things up, but i'm not sure about the name
                changing or the identification of who's saying what.  perhaps you're
                right.  perhaps not.  i don't know.  i don't think it's necessary
                personally.  i'll get to editing and sent it to you.  first i must
                print.  oh, the printer will make happy face at me for this.

how about this.  you edit, and cut the duplicate text.  send the dot.doc back to me.  i'll review it and let you know my vote on changing the names to protect the innocent.  with that much content, it's tough to remember all that is in there and i trust MUCH of it would offend others.

the more i think about it, the more i like the idea of putting the content out there on a website (new one, which we create), drive some traffic to it, and see if people laugh.  POI-FECT market trial, no?  post the stuff out there, pimp it to all our buddies (as anonymously as we can, put an ad or two in the pitch to drive more eyeballs, and solicit feedback.  if people are rolling reading it and want more, we know we've got something good.  if not, then we've still got something good, the world is just too stupid to understand it.

i know you dig the dot.doc in its current unedited condition.  however, it does need SOME editing, as much of the stuff runs together and it's impossible to know who said what.  to the unfamiliar reader, that is.  if we want this thing to fly baby, we've gotta give it wings.  identify
our characters, and make clear who said what.

maybe we post a daily banter on the site similar to a cartoon strip in a newspaper.  then people check the daily banter (updated as often as we can) between BON and SIG.  think about it.

perhaps post in on the web?  hahahahahaha.  that would be funny as
                hell. a test site.  launch pad.  houston, we have countdown.  feedback
                required, of course.

okay, so here's the deal.  you tell me if you want to change the user
                names to protect the innocent.  i could care less.  who are bon and
                siglo anyway?  if so, do it, and i'll send the doc to my friend in
                chic-a-go and we'll see if she digs it.  she's got the same ill sense
                of humor we both do.  that could be a test of the emergent broadcast
                network (our on line radio show).  she'll probably go through the roof
                if she knows i have anything to do with it.  we'll, of course, need to
                bury a copyright and rights reserved statement into the text.  let me
                know what you think of them apples, darlink.

you know something?  i belive dot.doc should not be formatted or edited
                at all.  i think that's part of the charm.  perhaps correct the
                spelling mistakes we both made, but that's it.  i love it just the way
                it is.  it's funny, but then i think some people might be lost.  well,
                most actually.  i like the beginning cut and pastes of the college
                class jokes.  forgot about those.  good introduction the the madness?
                i dunno.  i think it would be cool to print it just the way it is and
                tell the book company to screw their formatting.  it's art.  i like
                art.  is there a reason for it being fucked up?  yeah, it's a cut and
                paste from an e-mail client to an incompatible microshaft product
                (imagine the controversy there, oh, bestill my bleeding heart) and that
                speaks of technology, puts a signature on it, dates it, scripts it like
                the portable underwood (uh, he said 'wood') typewriter it is, baby.
                you got me?  you spin me right round, baby right round, like a record
                baby, round, round, round, round.  so give me your love.  yeah, i saw
                the wedding singer last night.  taped it.  not a great film in any
                sense of the imagination, but the 80's music and spoofs were to die
                for.  i must have been bored.  oh, lord, won't you buy me a mercedes

okay.  you asked for it, you got it, toyota.

attached is the dot.doc.  i perused through it quickly, and there's the obvious overlap with your cut & paste in part efforts (and some other overlap which i can not explain), and my cut & paste in toto efforts.  capice?  we're not in kansas anymore, toto.  i'm sure sonic is in there
somewhere.  rain, shine, sleet & snow, ya gots ta tip da bitches at  sonic.

do with it what you will.  have your way with it.  whore, whore away four score and a dam day long ago.  we'll copyright it, t-mark it, publish & sell it INcogNITO to protect the innocent and otherwise unaware from harm's way.

or not.

wanna play a game?  it's not like you're WORKING, you know?  name THE most important thing you learned from talking to me in 1999.

i'll do the same (from talking to you, of course).  here's mine.....

"tip the bitches at sonic"

hahaha, yeah, tip the bitches at sonic.  that whole rant needs to be
                included in the dot.doc work.  it's a must.  ah, the most important
                thing from YOU this year.  sheit, negro, that's all you had to say.
                uh, specific or general?  i'll go general.  never return to school,
                unless you first haven't finished your degree.  finish your degrees
                children.  i'll add a few more tid-bits here.  sell all horsey do fines
                and invest in tech stocks.  easy trade off really.  never lease a
                vehicle.  oh, damn, i'm supposed to be speaking of things i learnt from
                you, not you learning from yourself, or did i get that all wrong?  and
                best of all the mostest important thing i learnt from you is that
                you're a wonderful, loving, sweetheart of a woman.  got questions?  get

are you workingk today, baby dalink?  left you a voice mail, after i dialed twice since YOU work on the wrong side of the state line.  are you hating the new area code rule as much as i?  it's REALLY a pain with cell phones, in that it's more difficult to tell which area code it was purchased in, etc.  more freaking rules shoved down our very necks.  what's next?

i'm here all week, without a thing to do.  literally.  so i'm filling my day with admin. things like balancing my check book, cleaning my brief case, hard drive, desk drawers, catching up on emails and the like. speaking of the hoo whore, what IS the deal with the unsolicited SPAM?  i've got my filters set and today i get 19 new spam in my box.  why is this happening to me?  i register for NOTHING, really, but these spammers still find their way to my box.  freaks.

how's my boy?  you survive the holidays?  mine were stressful as usual, but accounting wound up last tuesday, and things got better.  i finished one book, am half way through another, and i've been writing some, so this is a good thing.  it's been months since i had a moment of free time and i really am enjoying it.  oh, and i've been a SLAVE to my television, which is a horrible thing to admit, since there's so little good programming or anything of value to watch at all.  nevertheless, i've tuned in and look forward to tuning back out.

oh, i knew that if anybody did 100% of their christmas shopping on line,  it would be you.  i just remembered, LOVED the rant on the barking dog-from-hell.  should probably add that to the document, though who knows why?  our own amusement, i suppose.

good for kate, that she may get some poetry published.  i am green with envy, and hope that someday you say the same about me.  maybe when mama telecom lays me off i'll be forced to do what i love.

you should plan a vacation.  somewhere warm.  caribbean.  you know, that place we describe in email and never visit.  what are you waiting for?

  you ARE tuned out.  you're mad.  survived the holidaze and got my arse
                back to work.  unfortunately.  though it's a very slow and easy work
                week as they go, so i can't complain.  nothing but tapping away at the
                keys, stroking a few others and staring off into space.  a lot is
                changing around here soon, with 3 code enforcement officers going over
                to the police department by way of city council approval.  that ought
                to scare some people very soon.  so i'm cleaning files out, thinning
                away the paperwork ad nauseum.  ah, good weekend, good christmas,
                simple, short, sweet.  all the good stuff.  you like?  i like.

Strange infatuation seems to
                  grace the evening tide. I'll
                  take it by your side. Such
                  imagination seems to help
                 the feeling slide. I'll take it by
                 your side. Instant correlation
                 sucks and breeds a pack of
                  lies. I'll take it by your side.
                 Oversaturation curls the skin
                 and tans the hide. I'll take it
                  by your side. tick - tock x3
                  tick - tick - tick - tick - tick -
                 tock I'm unclean, a libertine
                 And every time you vent your
                  spleen, I seem to lose the
                   power of speech, Your
                slipping slowly from my reach.
                    You grow me like an
                  evergreen, You never see
                 the lonely me at all I... Take
                 the plan, spin it sideways. I...
                Fall. Without you, I'm Nothing.
                  Without you, I'm nothing.
                  Without you, I'm nothing.
                    Take the plan, spin it
                  sideways. Without you, I'm
                       nothing at all.

-- Placebo

today was hideous.  not enough work to fill 4, but stretched to 8.  what work there IS isn't great work.  otherwise, i worked on my accounting test that is due tonight.  have noticed that you can find just about ANYTHING online except answers to accounting homework?  i've
searched EVERYWHERE and i find NOTHINK.  just some checkpoints would work, so i could tell if i was on the right track.  but no.

any christmas plans?  new years?  i'm staying in for new years for sure.  i'm sure the media and half the citizens will be busy looking for trouble, and if my cable holds out, i'll watch it from the comfort of my warm & cozy living room sofa.

no new years plans and i don't intend to get into the middle of it.  i
                doubt i'll even be up.  that would be a miracle in and of itself.  i
                called the vet, they'll 'take care of the problem'.  since sotto
                appears normal and never had a fever i wouldn't have suggested
                antibiotics to begin with if i were a vet, so i blew off her suggestion
                and i mildly resent the fact that they billed me for something i never
                took delivery on.  no whoring in at least 2 months.  kate and i barely
                see each other and when we have she seems to have lost a lot of
                interest.  fine with me really.  they're always great whores but we've
                just sort of drifted apart, partially because we're both further apart
                and partially because we both bought houses.  simple really.  i plan on
                staying single.  can be lonely at times but also not confining to
                another person's decisions or problems. doth this bark have to yap all
                a dam day long?  shit, my neighbors dog hasn't shut up since 3 and it's
                now past 5.  two solid hours of ranting. me thinks he does it when his
                mummy and daddy aren't home.  the bastard. so when you going to send me
                a cut and paste story.  oh, kate said some friend of hers is going to
                help her copyright and publish some of her poetry.  good news, eh?  she
                said most of the inspiration came from me and the no doubt good whore
                fests.  isn't that sweet?  so she asked me how much of her blood and
                money i wanted in the take.  i said i couldn't handle all the fame she
                might receive so i'll bow out of the wings and let the spotlight shine
                on her.  she's actually quite a decent little poet if you know it and a
                good writer.  perhaps that may open up a future book deal for her.
                could prove interesting.  film at eleven.  today was very slow and it
                needed to be.  i had two or three permits to issue, two very big
                projects, one meeting from nine to noon, a few simple phone calls
                and a partridge in a pair tree.  all the party favors started arriving
                today.  we were beginning to worry that we pissed too many companies
                off and we weren't getting fudge, popcorn, fruit baskets, cookies, etc.
                 makes the merriam santa mighty hungry without all the goodies.  gotta
                keep my little belly peeking out beyond the belt line for the holidays.
                 who loves your sweet and silly way?  you know who.  now go get some
                work done and some accounting too. smooch.

of course, the hoo is a whoring negro a dam day long, taking 8 hours to
                send mail what MOST send in less than 15 seconds.  what's up with that
                shit lately?  no more parties, bon.  you're too much the giver.  gotta
                get it now and then.  so quit it already.

why would your vet bill you for antibiotics you did not pick up?  were you SUPPOSEN to pick them up?  did you change your mind?  there must be more to the story than you're telling me.  but i trust you'll fire off your rant letter anyway.

oh, and do me this ONE little favor, would you??  the next time you hear me considering a party (even mentioning it), just take my checkbook and EUTHANIZE it, would you?

oh now i've given you the impression that it was not any fun, and it was.  we disco'd the night away, really.  it was just somewhat under attended, that's all, and i suppose i've earned the right to pout, no?

but still......shoot me if i ever.......

well you can euthanize your checkbook but i'm going to euthanize my
                would-be vet.  those assholes have the nerve to send me a bill for
                medication i never picked up (aka antibiotics).  check before you bill
                me.  they still have them.  i don't appreciate it.  and i'm writing
                them a nastygram regarding such practices.

Slightly bemused by his lack
                  of direction Hey You, Hey
                  You Came to this world by
                 caesarean section Hey You,
                 Hey You Chooses his clothes
                to match his pallid complexion
                  Hey You, Hey You Now it
                 takes him all day just to get
                 an erection Hey You, Things
                aren't what they seem. Makes
                 no sense at all Things aren't
                  what they seem. Makes no
                   sense at all Goes out to
                   cruise and to meet his
                connection Hey You, Hey You
                 He never scores he just gets
                  an infection Hey You, Hey
                 You Dreams of a place with a
                better selection Hey You, Hey
                 You Still it takes him all day
                  just to get an erection Hey
                 You, Things aren't what they
                 seem Makes no sense at all,
                 Things aren't what they seem
                   Makes no sense at all,
                 Things aren't what they seem
                   Makes no sense at all,
                 Things aren't what they seem
                   Makes no sense at all,
                 Luxemburger Queen, He's a
                   Burger Queen. Slightly
                    bemused by the total
                 rejection, Hey You, Hey You,
                    Came to this world by
                 caesarean section, Hey You,
                 Hey You, Dreams of a place
                  with a better selection, Hey
                 You, Hey You, Dreams of a
                     face that is pure as
                 perfection, Hey you, Things
                   aren't what they seem,
                    Luxemburger Queen,
                    Luxemburger Queen,
                 Luxemburger Queen, He's a
                      Burger Queen

-- Placebo

me kool?  i wish.  hope you enjoyed your camel time.  what do you mean
when you say a life change is in order?  if you're thinking what i
think you're thinkingk, then i'd argue that life is the one thing i
needn't worry about or attempt to change.  my life is very good, i just
need to focus on being more comfortable in my own skin at times.  dig?
my business life is what needs to change.  it's like treading water
here.  poifect analogy.  you're working hard to stay afloat, and you're
not dead (which is a good thing, i supposen) but you really never make
it anywhere, you don't move any direction, but you're working.  i've
been in this condition a dam year long (due to 1 merger and 3 reorgs),
i can change it, i need to change it, i want to change it, i will
change it.  somehow, somewhere, somewhy.  something's got to happen,
because i'm bored.  and when i'm bored, i'm not good and i'm certainly
not moving forward, which is very important, i mean we all do work for
money & recognition, no?  i'm afraid that once i lose the momentum then
i'll forever tread the same water and become that thing i hate the
most.  and furthermore, it's balance that i lack.  professionally i'm
growing.  intellectually, i'm growing.  physically, i hope i'm not
growing.  i take all these classes at night, and by day, i had 4 weeks
of training (by day) in 1999, 24 hours by night, yet i (and the others
around me) can't get a good project to save myself.  mid year, the good
stuff all went away, and will not be pursued pre-merger.  it's just
awful.  workin for the man.  show up, gather the paycheck, go home.

one last thing.  i acknowledge, regret and accept ALL typographical and
grammatical errors in the last message.  my fingers & brain seem to be
working independently of one another.  must having something to do with
body rejecting work today.  brain is boycotting fundamental rules.
fingers have gone astray.....body on work strike.

so, it's the 3.4 whatever math kinda pi.  si, si.  you know how i hate
that kinda math pi.  go rent american pie.  you'll NEVER think of apple
pie the same way again.  you gotta be in a cow & chicken beavis &
butthead three stooges kind of mood when you watch it, but it's got
some hilarious one liners, the obvious scene with pie, and a lot of
laughs.  i get pi.  you get pie.  we both shut out pi(e) holes.

not sure if i've ever seen a cake candle, but i do sport a good candle now and then and we're not talking about the stick in my pants.  i have about 10 of them in the house, just waiting to be lit up like a dried out christmas tree on a windy day.  i never left the flame, it follows me wherever i roam.  burn baby burn.  just call me pie-ro-maniac.  now shut yer pie hole.

peruse and pursue all job possibilities, internal or external.  simple plan really.  go for the best offer, the most cash, the best benes and keep the home fires burning (speaking of which natural GAS prices have soared through the roof lately, or haven't you noticed, cow?).  obsession for the week, duly noted and scribed.  mental note, annoy cow with gas issues on a daily basis, or as needed, until completely hostile and udders become incensed with rage, thereby knocking chicken into next century/millennium to prepare for y3k or other media misinformation hypes.  added mental note, never perform a house inspection in less than freezing temperatures where the contractor is not planning on attending and the homeowner is an old gray mare, deaf mute who can't hear two doorbell chimes, two knocks or the local partridge in the pear tree.  return to warmed vehicle, return to mother ship, invest or waste time tapping out keys as love taps to sister cow, who will no doubt question your motives, your modus operandi, your very being; further exasturbating the dilemma unfolding in your pea sized brain: the humanity of an unwanted chicken in a pressurized baking bag, surrounded by freezing temperatures, ready to be thawed, basted and eaten, ass first, by the likes of your little sister.

sweet and kindest of loveable cows, you are right, churches are loaded; what with all their tax breaks and cash cow contributions they don't need but 60% of what the rest of us meager citizens need to survive.  homeless contributions could be good, though i'd prefer the direct, do not attempt to pass liquor store, do not visit your dealer type of contribution myself.  and contributing to someone like united way is a pipe dream of infinite proportion.  yeah, we both need to win.  so we can say wewon damnit.  honey, did you not get laid this week?  in addition to all your other work related b.s.  sorry you're feeling so crazy.  i know, i'm fixin' to do the same come this spring and summer during my 'so busy i can't talk' tour of 2000.  must be nice to be able to contribute $6k to charity, after the government takes $4k off the top for their greedy asses; and we should fire all of those putzes at the federal level, btw, since they've obviously proven their ignorance and they continue wasting our tax dollars without providing tax breaks for anything other than education (whoopdy-doo, whoo-hoo); which, in part, is a tax break for the rich (once again) since only the rich can afford good education to begin with.  there are people who state they'll pay their cars off or pay down their house mortgages.  i guess i'd do the same.  no brave words of wisdom from me.  i supposen i might use a bit of the money to take a trip.  that might be nice, but then i'd be blowing it and i won't win a dime anyways, so i'm not even sure why i'm babbling on about it.

DOT.DOC PET PEEVES (listed in no specific order):

  • blue-hairs counting out change at the cash register while holding up the express lane.
  • check writers of any kind.  come on, people.  what year were you born?
  • spanish language assimilation in america.  why?  you want to live in america, learn english.  can't learn it?  get out.
  • minimum wage morons holding up a check-out line while gabbing to their customer as if they were a true friend.
  • 'paper or plastic?'  i personally don't give a shit.  neither one of them is the right choice.  how about aluminum foil?
  • drivers over the age of 80.  they're universally lost and most likely blind, so why give them a license?
  • riced out hondas, get a life and a real sports car.



    nascar baby, come in nascar baby.  whoooooohhooooo, honey i can feel my
    shorts ridin' up my crotch <scratches his balls>!  come on, baby, give
    daddy a big fa' keeiiiiss <spit regulation skoal>.  heeeehaaaaaaw,
    woman you turn me on FIRE.  whoa, baby <kicks his neck back, tops his
    arkansas sillhouette with a bud longneck, which spills over onto his
    wrangler denim shirt>.  i luvs ya, momma <squeeze the proverbial butt>,
    shit fire.

    you're weird.

    i am not "SO weird" ..... i am not weird at all.
                     i am not weird on a train.
                     i am not weird on a plane.
                     i am not weird at work.
                     i am not weird in a skirt.
                     i'm not weird in the hall.
                     i'm not weird at the mall.
                     i'm not weird shoveling shit,
                     i'm not weird with a zit.

                     can you say mount vesuvius???

                     i do not like being called weird here, there, or ANYWHERE.

                     i can be not weird in my house,
                     i'm not even weird with a mouse.
                     i'm not weird on the net,
                     i'm not weird, YOU BET.

                     so we have a similar sense of humor and we uh, like to roll in it like
                     a fly on shit or something.  does that make me weird?  NO.  does that
                     make you weird?  PROBABLY.  who am i to judge.

                     i'm just glad i have you to banter with so's i can avoid this here work
                     day a dam day long on a ditch witch.  capice?  watch the sopranos.  get
                     to know tony's friend "pussy" joey and the boyz.  you'll DIE laughing.

                     i do not like green eggs and ham.
                     i am not insane......bonn i am.

    [to be continued]

    dot.doc part 1
    dot.doc part 2
    dot.doc part 3
    dot.doc part 4