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Part 2
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while i was in border's i also thumbed through probably 5 similar books....and not one has an ounce of content that i find interesting.  truly, the books out there on k.c. are merely PHOTOGRAPHS without any documentation, history, story, etc.

thereby......leading me to believe that there is a true need of a RESEARCHED book on this great city.  something that, of course, provides ENOUGH visual to explain the points that WE make in a researched, factual story about k.c., but exploring the city at a deeper level to understand its roots, its history, how it got to where it is today.

you notice the reference to we, above?

we....yes baby....we need to write it.  i'm thinking probably a 3-5 year project.  deciding how far back we want to go....where to deep (deeper, deeper, pizza, pizza) we want it to be, and how deep we feel we can go without alienating the audience.

we can do this, siglo.  we can do it well, and better than it has been done before.  i know it.

so.  do ya wanna co-author this beast?  it would be fun.  you KNOW it would be fun.  and we stand to make a buck or two doing it.


well, the k.c. book is great.  also there are a couple of books
                on old kc history that are good too, which i have, which you don't,
                which cannot be found at any bookstore if you were the last man or
                woman on earth.  so i'll have to MEET you again some time (it would be
                just like starting over) and show them to you.  but you're somewhat
                correct. there aren't many good books on kc history, probably because
                there ain't much history.  know what i mean?

                it all started in 1870 something and a bunch of fur-bearin' traders
                workin' their goods in the ol' westport flea-baggin' area.  then
                there's that river thing, god, yes, the river, ma.  and how those ol'
                cowpokes liked to use it to haul goods west from the mississippi up the
                missouri and on to the western frontier.  well, funny thing happened
                down there yonder about the river market area and they figured they'd
                get to settlin' and a shiftin', so they carved a big ass chunk o' land
                out of the market area; and this was a MIGHTY big bluff, mind you; and
                started forgin' and minin' the streets.  damn thing is they were
                crooked to the north south axis, so lo and behold some government dude
                got the idea of this township, range section thingumajig and
                straightened all that out, thank goodness.

                you must watch cow and chicken, ONLY on cartoon network.  excellent ren
                and stimpy style show, only funnier.  it's a crack.  moves like
                lightning, the way a cartoon should.

great.  you'll do it.  i'm pleased as punch.  when shall we start?

and meet?  dare we meet?  me thinks not. would change all this?  and for what?  we'll meet at the first signing party.  you know, that wounderful day when our publisher arranges wines, cheeses, photos, CUSTOMERS, and autograph session at our favorite
bookstore/coffee house. everything else can be done by email and telephone.  dig?  just the way you like it.  ANO - NYM - ITY.

and just for the record, i believe you sell this city short.  oh, we may not have had a tea party (boston) or be the political capitol of the world (d.c.) or the murder capital of the world (l.a.) but there is plenty of HIStory in k.c.  think alcohol.  prohibition.  gambling.  sex.   MAFIOSO.  battles.  it's all been here, baby.

mo money....much of the ward parkway money....comes straight from boozin' & mobbin.  dig?

the story is out there.  it's our job to find it.  why waste another day translating isms when we could instead do THIS.

hey.  i saw the general's daughter with john travolta this weekend.  it's pretty intense.  he's a hell of an actor, and it's a psychological thriller.

                you want to see a thriller of sorts go see 'enemy of the state', now on
                video at a blockbuster near you.  promotional spot paid for by time-

                oh, yeah, the days of concrete, booze and money.  i know the story
                well. the pendergast era, but that was all later.  nichols bought land,
                developed the parks and boulevard system from farmland, made billions
                off the housing he planted along ze boulevard, no?, and away we go.
                movin' right up to the cowtown in the sky.  problem is kc is a sprawl.
                it's not a real city in any sense of the word.  its infrastructure is
                falling apart, it's SLOWLY being redeveloped into office parks,
                suburban wastelands and downtown lofts; it lacks a police force worth
                its weight in slush funds; and is headed on a hot ticket to NOWHERE
                fast (stay tuned for the sequel).  THAT i would like to write about (as
                many have of late, re: the pitch of the last couple of weeks).  kevin
                klinkenberg, a reasonably inept and oh, so intolerant of a young
                would-be architect/writer, wrote an article on why kc is lacking in
                luster (jerri-curl style).  he made many good points, but missed the
                boat on a host of other reasons why kc is starving for charm.  he
                missed the concept of zoning entirely, talking about how zoning here
                segregates use, or promotes same.  well, sort of, but not really.
                zoning tends to build on itself.  what is permitted in residential
                districts is ALSO permitted in most commercial districts (though
                perhaps not all), so it's not a cookie cutter, rubber stamp sort of
                thing.  he just doesn't get that, or so his article might lead one to
                believe.  he also doesn't get the fact that many people have left the
                urban core because of rotting infrastructure, poor police protection,
                bad services, etc., etc.; although there seems to be a raging lunacy
                toward loft living downtown, for what reason i cannot decipher; after
                all we're NOT denver, seattle, chicago, nyc, san fran or anything
                remotely resembling coolness.  you could practically buy a house of
                your own for the prices they charge those sick people.  yeah, it's cool
                in the sense that you can live in a bit of history and feel urbane, but
                think of reality here.  try not to forget it.

oh, i'll go there.  another dream.  it's like THIS.  i'm living somewhere in midtown and working closeby (within walking distance).  nothing about the place even remotely resembles our midtown, but that's where the little dream takes place.  so i call you, and you say you'll meet me at my place for lunch.  so i'm walking, get to my place, and you meet me there.  it gets a little fuzzy here.......don't remember much......just saying  goodbye to you, and looking at myself in the mirror and that being  SCARY. my hair was all messed up, my clothes all wrinkled and untucked,  you know the look.  it was just odd.  anyway.....that's what happened.  the whole truth.  and nothing but the truth.  so help me....

 then i went blind.

 ok.  so i still have the vision problem, but i'm hopeful that i am just  not getting old and that's it's more than that.  an aneurysm maybe.   yes.  that would suck just getting old.  glasses and bifocals.  anyway,  if this persists i'll call my eye doctor and get checked out.  vision  is something i COMPLETELY take for granted.....and when it gets blurry,  it gets scary.  i still totally can not see the words on the screen  without my specs.  it's just nasty.

took off work last Thursday and Friday.  pretty much woke up, rejected work, and opted for vacation days.  plan to do the same this thursday and friday.  i'm somewhat between projects, so the pace will allow it.  we're leaving friday for vegas.  my sis, her boyfriend, hubby and i.
should be interesting.  always is.  although i hear it's 112 in the shade there now, and my sis (a/k/a the goddess of SUN WORSHIP) wants to spend her days begging for skin cancer, and i'd prefer instead to explore.  find the roller coaster at the top of the high rise and RIDE,
that type of thing.  so we'll see.  also, i plan to win the big jackpot and quit my job and veg for a while.

i did a great deal of riding this weekend.  oh, get your mind out of the gutter....horsie do's of course......and i'm a little sore near my end-oh, you know that special place between the upper thighs, just south of paradise (ooooooohhhhhh YES YES YES).  yesterday was hysterical.  i have this GORGEOUS quarter horse that is this INCREDIBLE shade of
copper red, but very dark with near black mane & tail.  i call her BIG RED or GINGER SPICE.  anyway, she hasn't been ridden in months so i'm trying to get her to do something....ANYTHING...and my hot shot brother-in-law (who has ZERO experience riding, but fears nothing) comes to save the day.  he's like let me get on that horse, i'll make
her mind.  so i hop down, he gets up, and off they go.  after about 10 minutes of him she decides to get rid of him.  it was HYSTERICAL.  she puts her head down and takes off.  dead run across the pasture, and he's holding on for dear life, and she starts bucking and off he goes.  he's walking with a limp today, and i felt real bad that she did this, but he knew better.  so i rode her for another hour or so and worked it out of her.  training takes so much time and some people are so impatient.  and horses have a sense of who is on them and what they know (i.e., what they can get by with).  couple that with lack of knowledge about how to control or stop a horse and you have an accident in the making.  which is precisely what happened.  anyway, rode her a lot yesterday, and two others over the weekend.  it was really a lot of fun.

                me thinks you don't have an aneurysm (or any other variable of the ism
                category) or you'd be dead on the floor, DOA, a door mat, hostage for
                an illegitimate life, daughter of the devil, taken to the holy land and
                possessed like a stranger.  911 real life emergency would be on the
                scene.  you'd know if you had an aneurysm.  hopefully just a vision
                problem, grandma.

                but i'd love you anyway, i'd love you REAL good (as in 'me love you
                long time').

oh, me love you long time too, siggie pie.  speaking of pie, there's a new blockbuster movie out, american pie.  heard of it?  anyway....big scene is where a teen is caught by his father making whoopie to mom's home made apple pie.  yup.  daddy caught sonny boy with his weenie in the pie.  bye, bye, american pie!  we must see this movie.

welcome to the hotel california.  got a message about california today, apparently a new virus which makes melissa seem sweet.  if you get it, don't open it.  uh.

okay, so maybe i'm not going to die of an aneurysm (as you so correctly spelled it, i'm assuming) but it sucks being visually challenged.  and  it's not getting better.  oh, i'll call the eye doctor tomorrow if i  still have this problem, but don't you think it is too soon to call him  immediately?  folks might think mesa a whimp.

so the big buzz of late is the new telco campus employee dress code.  newspaper, television, radio, and every telco employee is talking about it.  and dig this, my little ditch witcher.  my friend jane (the technical writer) ...... are you sitting down???? sends me this email today.  seems she is EDITING the freaking DRESS CODE prior to publishing it on the company INTRANET.  with any luck, she'll leak me an early version, though we're told it's quite formal, which REALLY REALLY sucks.  nothing like purchasing a brand new wardrobe AGAIN.  anyway, in typical telco fashion (pun intended) we've formed focus groups to study the problem and come up with a recommendation that will immediately be shot down by management, so's the execs. can make us all formal again.  life will REALLY suck then, let me tell you.  our technical staff will QUIT before they wear ties.  i guarantee it.  panty hose every day for the ladies.  no cotton slacks (men or women).  all men must wear ties.  ladies must wear suits or pant suits (no cotton, or anything remotely close to that fabric).  so basically, i have 4 things in my closet that pass, and the rest do not.  yep.  sucks to be me.

haven't heard of the 'american pie' thing, though i'm GOINK to go see
                'eyes wide shut', not for cruise or kidman (they're both damned to hell
                and back anyway), but for the love of kubrick, aka GOD to you and me.
                what a fucking freak of a person.  anyone who demands complete and
                total control of the film genre and gets it is god in my book.

                flirt (pepe voice).

                i've heard of california, but haven't got it yet.  not sure if it's
                kalifornia or not, there's a lot of b.s. about it.  with a c or k,
                makes no difference to me.  halt computer action (gettin' on down with
                computer action).  it's nasty.

                this guy at work, who was not at work today (working 4 10's, doing more
                in 4 what most people do in 8) speed dials my ass starting at 4:23 and
                wouldn't give up until 4:27, so fuck no i'm not answering the phone.
                no calls after 4:15, lest i be stuck with some jaw monger from HELL who
                wants to talk about nothing.

                i thought the big red momma made you guys dress to the hilt to begin
                with.  now they're threatening black tie action?  those bastards.  i'm
                sure they want everyone looking prim and proper for the new complex,
                before it's built so as to get everyone up to speed.  can't have a spot
                of cotton in the new building.  that must be it.  shit, i'm surprised
                the dope doesn't have the place hermetically sealed just for shits and

                didja see 'enemy of the state' yet, didja didja?  i get no reports on
                this from the likes of you, the techno-mondo wife from hell who LOVES
                the secret police story, and i don't get jack?  come now, dear (well,
                not NOW, i'm not ready), you can do me better than that, hun.
                puuuuuhhhllllllllleeeeeeezzzzezeeeeeee crack out 2.5 hours of your
                evening and watch.  set it up perfect movie mode style, crank the
                sound, run the surround, dim the lights just right, crank out your
                popcorn, WATCH and LISTEN.  the siggy man (aka huggy bear) is givin'
                you the slip, babes.  you best be takin' this man up for his action,
                momma.  it's your destiny.

                it is hereby ordained.

                sign below.


morning, siglo.

i'll see eyes wide shut, too.  though i'm not really sure what the movie is about.  it looks pretty wicked.  so i guess you probably have seen  i'm trying to view the clips now, but it seems to require the quick time viewer (mine expired eons ago)
and netscape won't just hand it over.  argh.  also, can't seem to view the GIF you send yesterday.  saw it once, but this computer doesn't want to do SHIT and i'm not sure why.  what is just the clown bopping, or more to it?

as if freaking blindness is not bad enough. now i can't seem to download shit.  which sense will go next.......TOUCH?  SMELL?

yes yes YES YES YES baby, i rented and watched enemy of the state.  what a movie......WHAT A MOVIE!!!!  here's the scoop.  you could have played the gene hackman character.  when i saw him, I SAW YOU.  that dude is you, no question.  you are that dude.  i watched it thursday night, i think, and forgot to write and publish my review a dam day long.  i totally dig the satellite action, the way they immediately zoom from so far above and can track a person most anywhere.  i'm pretty sure these capabilities were exaggerated somewhat to keep it interesting, but they're certainly there, and surely used in this manner.  can't you just see we have a satellite pointed straight at sadam and all our terrorist friends?  oooooohhhhhhhh, it was so scary to see the nsa have so much power in this movie, seeing the corruption, all to better one man's career path.  but doesn't it make you want to slip in the hackman character and live that way?  all that equipment, all that security?  no identity.  no taxes.  i also enjoyed seeing lisa bonet again too.  such a BEAUTIFUL girl.  you know she was married to lenny kravitz, right?  man is HE a brilliant musician.  anyway, she hasn't been in a movie (that i know of) in a long, long time.

i saw general's daughter.  did i mention that?  assuming i did not, it  was quite the psychological thrilla in manilla, and travolta is a  perfectly brilliant actor, though i figured out most of the plot.  poor  general's daughter.  she had these nude scenes and it took so long to
film them, that they made a likeness of her naked body to shoot many of  the scenes.  said it would be too hard on her to lay there (tied,  spread eagle) that way for so many hours of filming.

                me the hackman character?  don't i wish.  his role in that movie was
                probably a direct result of his role in an earlier less tech type film
                entitled 'the conversation', yet another great film on government and
                surveillance from the late 60's or early 70's (another superb film,

                the NSA does indeed have that capability today, and has had it at least
                since 1996 after the telecommunications act helped launch a few more
                'in bed' routines with their comm partners in crime.  they can do every
                single thing in that movie if they want to, never mind the legalities
                involved.  there's a station in canada that is used by the NSA with
                direct monitoring capability for EVERY single bit or byte of
                communication ever sent, using keyword routines, so this here little
                paragraph sent to you is on their list of items to scan for content.

                scary, no?

scary?  you know what, consider the VOLUME one must sort through to intercept something sensitive, proprietary, confidential, whatever (even if automated).  i supposen (ism intended) if somebody wants to go to that much trouble, then they should.  think of the thousands of emails between just you and i a dam day long, much less over time.  multiply that by the bazillion other people all over the world emailing like crazy, and some computer somewhere is intercepting those very communications and scanning for key words such as what, TERRORISM, TREASON, PRESIDENTIAL ENDEAVORS?  there are WAY more of us than of them.  (power to the people, baby)  and yes, it does piss me off that it CAN happen, and in those instances where it DOES happen that it can be manipulated to ruin a life, a career, whatever.  but does that really pose any sort of threat to you or me?  yea, probably about the same time we're both struck by lightening thrice and win the lottery once then one little email might be intercepted and a satellite pointed to our humble abode.  duh.  won't happen.  but would we be flattered IF it did happen?  who knows.  IF and WHEN it happens, you become the Gene Hackman character.  plan your death.  lose your identity.   stop paying taxes.  spend your every dime on equipment and secure yourself a place (and an old rusty el camino) in an industrial warehouse district, and get busy doing i'm not sure what.  monitoring, intercepting i suppose.

i have more immediate concerns to occupy myself with.  such as contemplating what movie i'll rent next?  what book should i finish reading?  what will i be when i grow up?  how long must a gal consistently ride horses before she will no longer be sore in that special place?  recall, inside upper thighs, just south of paradise  (give it to me baby, uh huh uh huh).  siglo, people like you and i will NEVER be monitored by the government.  big brother won't come knocking. and we'll all live happily ever after.

so.  remember those 2 discs you burned for me long, long ago?  well, you KNOW those are STILL a mystery to the safe deposit police man.  so the other day i'm pouring through the cd rack (5 foot, 4 sided structure) looking for some new tunes for the jeeper, when i notice
that those 2 discs are both out, laying on the carpet next to the rack, and one was opened.  like maybe if he looked deeper he would unravel some great mystery encoded therein, say maybe a picture, a phone number, a major FREAKING CLUE about the creator?????

damn siglo, you should have buried a clue in there.  SNOOP DOGGY DOG IS BACK!!!!!!  maybe it's time to set a trap.

and you worry about the government.

                Cat  Diary

                                DAY 752
                                My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little
                dangling objects.
                                dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat
                dry cereal.  The
                                thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and
                                satisfaction I
                                get from ruining the occasional piece of furniture.
                Tomorrow I may eat
                                another houseplant.

                                DAY 761
                                Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around
                their feet while
                                were walking almost succeeded; must try this at the top
                of the stairs.
                                an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile
                I once again
                                induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair . . .
                must try this on

                                DAY 762
                                Slept all day so that I could annoy my captors with
                sleep depriving,
                                incessant pleas for food at ungodly hours of the night.

                                DAY 765
                                Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body
                in attempt to
                                them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to
                fear into

                                hearts.  They only cooed and condescended about what a
                good little cat

                                was.  Hmmm . . . not working according to plan.

                                DAY 768
                                I am finally aware of how sadistic they are.  For no
                good reason, I was
                                chosen for the water torture.  This time, however, it
                included a

                                foamy chemical called "shampoo."  What sick minds could
                invent such a
                                liquid?  My only consolation is the piece of thumb
                stuck between

                                DAY 771
                                There was some sort of gathering of their accomplices.
                I was placed in
                                solitary throughout the event; however, I could hear
                noise and

                                foul odor of the glass tubes they call "beer."  More
                importantly, I
                                overheard that my confinement was due to MY power of
                "allergies."  Must
                                learn what this is and how to use it to my advantage.

                                DAY 774
                                I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and
                snitches.  The
                                is routinely released and seems more than happy to
                return; he is
                                obviously a
                                half-wit.  The Bird, on the other hand, has got to be
                informant.  He
                                mastered their frightful tongue (something akin to
                mole-speak) and
                                with them regularity.  I am certain he reports my every
                move.  Due to

                                current placement in the metal room, his safety is
                assured . . . but I
                                wait.  It is only a matter of time.

    once = ones

                the once i used to have are as good as the once i have now, or in
                direct quotation:

                'The once that show up at
                                  places that I am talking about are just plain once,
                kind of like what I
                                  had when I lived on East 43rd.'

                you got your plain once on, baby?  i like the sexy once myself, lover.

                man, what a find.

'ism' duly noted, recorded, cross-referenced and archived.  good one.   GREAT find.  total validation of the existence of the project.  you  know how HOT HOT HOT i get when you bring me a worthy ism?

saw EYES WIDE SHUT this weekend.  TELL ME you saw the flick and that we can discuss it, in great detail?  i think stanley would approve of that.

interesting.  very interesting.  what's more interesting is the reviews.  no two are alike, save the ones that are direct copies of the decent reviews (which are few), then taken out of context (summarized) and irreparably botched beyond belief.

i'm still piecing it all together, but i think i have a somewhat decent idea of what old stanley was up to in this one.

let's talk amongst ourselves, shall we, dalink?

camel? kool?

i can't talk about kubrick.  eyes are wide shut and have been for some
                time.  in conferences today and tomorrow.  then back to hell hole
                central on wednesday.  then maybe if i'm lucky, find a suitor to go on
                a HOTHOTHOT kubrick date, though it won't be kate because she's
                working her retail ass off.  classified kubrick.  i know what he's
                getting at, but i'll have to see it first.  would have been much nicer
                20 or 30 years ago when he really wanted to do it, but his wife at the
                time thought their marriage couldn't support the concepts the movie was
                supposed to be dragging out.

yeah, HMR certainly did kc an injustice and kcmo bought it hook, line
                and sinker, as they usually do (handing out TIF like it were candy to
                those would be corporate shysters only to lose jobs in the end = pure
                and plain stupidity on the part of government nitwits).  of course they
                had to lay people off and relocate after MMD just got done blowing lots
                of money (TIF included) on an addition they couldn't use (hence their
                trying to sell that to other persons at a later date).

                if telco is bought, no doubt kc will lose half of the jobs associated
                with the sale as they move them overseas, overland and on down to
                me-he-co, just south of the border.

                now with the stock market flagellating wildly, like a stuffed pig, the
                economy will start to squeeze a bit tighter and everyone will be
                selling their SUV's like hotcakes.  i can't wait to start the

flagellating stuffed pig?  ONE OF YOUR BEST, YET.  soooooo descriptive.

could this weather be HOTTER?  102 today.  and mama telco just made an announcement on the p.a. [which NEVER happens save when a SUV parks improperly on the roof and blocks others from leaving because our garage is TOO FREAKING CROWDED], to close the blinds, turn off unnecessary lighting, turn off equipment, and help mama with her cooling efforts.

uh. how 'bout just send us all home to our cool homesteads, and turn off ALL the k.c. telco buildings, thereby drastically reducing the strain on the city's power and allowing us to keep our houses cooler and everybody is happy?

it pisses me off to no end that at times like these (1) the power company is SURPRISED that we're experiencing a heat wave; (2) there is such a strain on their resources and they have to dip into unplanned (planned) budget to cover their costs (which they in turn bill straight back to the consumer, directly via our end-ohs), and (3) oh and by the way, turn your thermos up to 78 degrees (AS IF) and don't water your yard.

i hate those fuckers.  plan for more power.  this happens EVERY YEAR IN JULY.  and don't whine about using your extra budget.  we pay for the air, not you, now hand it over.

politics. bureaucracy.  heat wave.  drought.  german parent.

what's TIF?

TIF is tax increment financing, the financial wasteland whereby dumbass
                politicians rape the coffers of the tax base to pay for part of some
                corporations fancy development plan in an effort to promote jobs (as if
                those fucking people are going to live in kcmo to begin with, please);
                thereby refinancing the 'loan' (aka gift) by taxing those persons who
                live in kansas city or work within that facility (as if the
                corporations needed the extra money to begin with, yeah right...'but we
                can't make it work in kc and we could make it work in some other city,
                say overland park (lie lie, whine, whine), and you wouldn't want to see
                us take your jobs to another city now would you (lie, cheat, steal, use
                the job smokescreen in front of bribe-hungry politicians searching for
                re-election when the ante is how much they've supported the local
                economy through an increase in jobs while at the same time eroding an
                already dwindling tax base to the marrow of the bone while the rest of
                their constituents complain about the lack of city services, DUH)?'

                and, yes, i agree with you completely.  kcpl can fucking bite me.  they
                should know better, they've got enough power, and they'll raise the KWh
                rate to 50% beyond the going rate during these 'times of heat stress'
                to make up for the costs to begin with, so we're paying for it, now
                give it to us.  mama telco's either trying to save a buck or playing the
                politics game.

day two of corporate darkness.  heat continues to rise.  thermostats set at 90 degrees, voluntarily turning them to OFF 15 minutes per hour to avoid the threatened BROWN-OUT, to conserve the very energy the kcpl claims we consume the lion's share of, and they don't have enough of.

fuckers.  there are only how many thousand of us that share this very building?  cramming us together like sardines then taking away the very air that keeps us from stinking.

no network.  no printers.  only power SURGE, SURGE, SURGE.  no work.  i'm LEAVING at high noon and NOBODY can stop me.

set my home thermos to exactly 55 degrees just to piss them off.  watered my dying flowers, and parched trees.

rebel, rebel.

have you heard of the blair witch project?  one of my buddies saw it this week and said it is THE scariest thing.  real footage of the real documentary.  did you know that?  not sure how they worked around that (copy cat look-alike actors?)  anyway, comes HIGHLY  recommended so i may just have to see it.

how's my boy?  you and pussy keeping cool?

well, kcpl is supposed to be randomly shutting areas of the city down
                to conserve energy now, so stay tuned for complete madness.  i really
                don't have much time to peck away a note today.  busier than the
                proverbial one armed paper hanger.  your 55 will get you 20, baby.
                lots of love and pleasant weekend.
                Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,
                Engines pumping and thumping in time.
                The green light flashes, the flags go up.
                Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.

it's friday.   yippee!!! cake and eat you too?  uh, can i have some money?  not till next week,
eh?  i'm hungry hungry hippo.  eat your cake.  you can't have any money.  me have money.  creditors oh
so happy.  need stamps.  me have way less money.

need sushi.  will work for sushi and cake.  will eat it, too. put up yo sign, babe.  u gots to have the su-she.  i'm sure some broken
(down) hearted old man will he'p ya out, awrigh'?

taffy man and i enjoyed some sushi for lunch.  yummy, yummy, yummy, i've got sushi in my tummy.

3 more hours until they loosen the shackles and i officially re-enter the free world.

wanna break outta this joint, baby?

i'm in, i'm IN the lazer clubhouse.  hell yeah i wanna break.  give it
                to me baby, uh-huh uh-huh.  i'm bored to the hilt, but i gots to go
                stir me up some tender vittles in the ci-tay.

                let's hope you have no projektiles a la sushi.
oh now THAT is a nice picture.

sushi trots.

blowing raw fish out my ass.  pizza, pizza?

i can't love ya back a dam day long right now.  my a dam day a long a
                ding dong is busy with this here thing we call 'work'.  ya know?  i
                loves ya, you gots to know i loves ya.
my mind is going, i'm emptying my mind.  i have nothing.  i have a
                lunch meeting till the rest of the dam day long in the afternoon hours
                and lord knows what the a..m will bring.  b.m.?  sorry to be so short.
                i'm just busy and dog-gone-tired.  so i'z not in the tender, lovin'
                mood i guess. blah, hot, crankified, dismayed sans much to say.

                Virus Warning

                This virus warning is genuine.

                There is a new virus going around, called “work.”   If you receive any
                sort of “work” at all, whether via email, internet or simply handed to
                you by a colleague...DO NOT OPEN IT.

                This has been circulating around our building for months and those who
                have been tempted to open “work” or even look at “work” have found that
                their social life is deleted and their brain ceases to function
                If you do encounter “work” via email or are faced with any “work” at
                all, then to purge the virus, send an email to your boss with the words
                “I’ve had enough of your crap...  I’m off to the pub.” The “work”
                should automatically be forgotten by your brain. If you receive “work”
                in paper-document form, simply lift the document and drag the “work” to
                your garbage can.  Put on your hat and coat and skip to the nearest bar
                with two friends and order three pints of beer (or rum punch). After
                repeating this action 14 times, you will find that “work” will no
                longer be of any relevance to you and that “Scooby Doo” was the
                greatest cartoon ever.  Send this message to everyone in your address
                book. If you do NOT have anyone in your address book, then I’m afraid
                the “work” virus has already corrupted your life.

hum along.  think new pearl jam tune.

oh where oh where can my baaaaaaaaby be?
his work took him awaaaaaay from meeeeeeee.
he's gone inspectin', now he's got to be goooooooood.
so he can buy a house in a new neigh-bor-hood.

you know, it's soooooo funny i was thinking about that stupid song and
                how many times the LAZER plays that pile of shit song an hour and how i
                fucking hate that song to DEATH because it's not even a freakin' pearl
                jam song and if it were i'd hate it even more.  and i was thinking, i
                was really thinking that i ought to take the time, what LITTLE time i
                have, dear, to write you and tell all about it, baby.

so you liked the song?  groovy, baby.  now it will be in your head for
                another day (a dam day long).  glad to help.

how's my boy?

your boy is busier than hell.  i hate it.  tomorrow may possibly slow
                down long enough for me to breathe.  at least i can hope.  i hate the
                song, oh where oh where can my baby be?  shit, she ran the fuck away
                from your ass singing like a hound dog the way you do.  burned on that
                song like no other, and this is the same pearl jam that banned
                corporate america and ticketmaster only to come crying to them later
                and bed themselves down with the record execs like some carrier pigeon
                returning to the nest.  i have no respect.  how's the baby doll,
funny how all those pesky long distance companies are going at it like
                sharks.  mci is 5 cents with monthly fees, att finally lowered theirs
                to 7 cents with a monthly fee, anytime, anywhere.  can't wait till it's
                all free and people are fighting for your local and long distance
                service at the same time.  time warner is going to piss ma bell off
                reasonably soon and launch their local phone service.  i know, you
                don't have to haggle over such things, but it's real annoying when i
                get a bill from mci charged to my credit card for long distance service
                they didn't provide (since i switched WELL over a month ago) and i have
                to call them, wait on hold and have them remove me and credit my card.
                just about every company does that nickel and dime you to see if you'll
                notice we took your money shit and it's really irritating.  why do we
                have to go through these things?  you've got all the answers.  give it
                to me, baby.
you know your morning's going to be bad when you get a business phone
                call at 8:01, when someone walks in wanting a permit at 8:30 without
                any type of scheduled appointment (the norm), when your morning routine
                consists of coffee and potato chips; when you can't imagine what it
                would feel like to STILL be in bed because you were rudely interrupted
                by the morning light, the sound of chirping grade school children on
                the corner and the rumble of one of several school bus exhaust pipes
                reverberating from within your sleepy head.  i'm sure the rest of this
                day will be like the april 15th postal drill as everyone scurries off
                to file their taxes on the LAST possible day.  just place a target on
                my ass, baby.

                barney should find out about the loan today.  tomorrow at the
                latest.  let's hope it's good news.  went off to see him and the house
                on saturday.  good deal.  his potential new house is pretty sweet, save
                the electrical nightmares the previous homeowner's envisioned and
                carried out.  we were sitting around dreaming about what it would be
                like to live in our respective homes on saturday when the cold front
                and rain storm came thundering down the road.  the weekend weather was
                going to be wounderful, though it wasn't like i'd get out much to enjoy
                it.  heard nothing from mark almost the entire weekend after that.  it
                was odd.  guess he was gettin' some.  i thought the man had been put up
                for dead.

                see, we got this theory 'round these parts.  man was invaded by aliens
                millions of years ago and each evolutionary step along the way is
                merely another attempt to create the perfect alien-human hybrid; and if
                that theory ain't good enough, we're all aliens anyway since most
                scientists theorize that life on this planet probably resulted from
                some monster truck meteor depositing the necessary chemicals and
                bacteria onto this cesspool we call earth.  terra firma.  pizza pizza.

                what did my baby do this weekend?  get some?  got some?  milk?  did you
                see the milk commercial with the cats and the old lady who ran out of
                milk and tried to substitute it with powdered milk?  man, i was rolling
                on that one.  saw it for the FIRST time this weekend.

.and happy monday to you too, dear.  my day is a little less fire drillish (and a big ditch witch, too) than yours, though personal projects threaten to keep me busy a dam day long.

interesting alien theory.  you been reading ray bradbury lately?  remember bradbury theatre?  i HATED that stuff when i was little, but sort of dig it now.  oh, we're studying him in short story lit class a bit.  (lit-a-bit)  interesting guy, wounder where he pulls all this fiction from?  his ass?  same as yours, no?

i think i'll drop stats today.  no way can i pass that class with 6 more weeks to go, and the schedule that i have, here & there & everywhere.  there just aren't enough hours in the day, too many projects goink, and this former night owl can't seem to stay awake past 11 or midnight anymore, without paying the price the next day.  so we'll see if the advisor can talk me out of it.  if not, then i'm OUTTA that hell.

here's some poe (the edgar allen variety)....studying him too....interesting fellow, it's been - WAY too long since i've read his stuff.

 "As your eyes rested appealingly for one
 brief moment upon mine, I felt, for the
 first time in my life, and tremblingly
 acknowledged, the existence of spiritual
 influences altogether out of the reach of reason."

 what passion.

 he never married that chick (he was already married to his  cousin.....uh......) but it was a great would-be love of his life.

dot.doc part 1
dot.doc part 2
dot.doc part 3
dot.doc part 4