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Due to numerous factors, I no longer keep up this site (other than to delete the occasional ring that goes kablooie). Hence, please view the pages within from the frame of reference that this was my first site, a non-commercial site, and, well, its heyday was 1997. It has been preserved in a time capsule since it is still well-travelled and when I've tried to delete it, people have requested it back. If you prefer a vital, growing and daily/weekly updated site, please visit Ann-S-Thesia.

January 2000

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...viewer participatory gallery

...a little more serious and intense.


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-----------------------------36568255812099 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="fontbaby.html" Content-Type: text/html Welcome to Ann-S-Thesia: Pttthhhth, Font Baby!

The Ruby Raspberry of Infamy goes to Font Baby

Below are the transcripts of our e-mail conversation. My responses are pale pink, his are alien green. Beware, his letters contains language that might offend some viewers. I have left it in to show what a Wiener he is, not that his typos and spelling errors aren't enough of a clue already. E-mail him if you wish.



From: (namewithheld)

hi, my names dave. listen, I NEED that chinese font its so damn cool. if there's a site where I can download it from can you tell me because I searched through a couple and couldn't find anything.



I can't remember which one it is, but I know I got my Chinese-looking fonts from buying Freehand and Adobe Illustrator. Try checking out URW Type Foundry or ImageClub (sorry...I don't have a URL)

They're not free, though.


thanks I'l check it out. would you send it to me? I mean if I can't get it. I'd really appreciate it.



I'm not a font distributor/retailer except for my own creations at


I know, I;ve gone to your site and I like it. I even used one of your blank banners.

thank you its very cool. I'm just aking if you can e-mail me a copy of the cinese font because I called adobe to try to get the font and it not even locatable. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, so if it comes across that way I"m sorry.


I don't offer blank banners at my commercial site. I offer them at my personal site.

Go back to (do not go here, web visitor, no longer exists, thanks to wieners like (Namewithheld)) and read the last paragraph on the page. If you need a more detailed explanation of why I, as an artist looking out for other creative individuals, cannot provide you with the font, I will gladly explain it more in detail. Royalties has a lot to do with it...if I give you the font for free, whoever made the font gets no royalties for their hard work. Not only that, I wouldn't even pirate a font for my best friend, let alone for someone I don't know.

Artists really get screwed in society. I've been screwed over by the system. I'll be damned if I screw over another artist or typographer.

Maybe you're young and you don't understand these things yet. But believe me, artists work hard for what they do, and don't reap the rewards for most of it. Pirating fonts is part of the problem. Those artists (font creators) see nothing for their efforts if their fonts are passed freely about.

It is illegal, but that's nothing compared with the ethical immorality of it.

Just do a font search on the net. I'm sure you'll come up with something.


I understand the ethical principles that you'd (we'd) violate by pirating that file and I don't really appreciate you saying how "maybe you're young and don't understand yet". maybe adults think kids should respect them because of filial piety or whatever, but when someone says something like what you said it really piisses me off because all adults have this bullshit assumption that "kids are dumb and we are the best" which I could proabably even prove wrong most of the time.

I've been trying to do a font search but my internet is relly messed up and is freezing in a way sometimes, working REALLY slow, and causing other problems on the computer.

I was wondering about the artists who get ripped off: the companies that distribute their work pay them, not the people who buy the fon't from the companies, right?



End of communique with this Bozo Baby

Back to the Raspberry Award





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Graphics by The S.S.Studio.

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-----------------------------36568255812099 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="hieronymus.html" Content-Type: text/html Welcome to Ann-S-Thesia: Hieronymus


Born in 1990 in Wisconsin on December 21 (Sagittarius)


If I Were A Human I'd Be . . .

. . . a goblin. Are goblins human? How about a gargoyle?


Things I Love

Butts, underwear, bones, treats, licking dinner plates, trips to Colorado, Tim Schmeckel (my favorite Uncle Tim).


Things I Hate

Getting my nails clipped, trips to the vet (but I love the ladies who work there!)


The Scariest Time in My Life (at least for my humans)

I was a pretty young dog at the time, and still didn't know my boundaries around our house and yard. One time in winter a man came to the door with a package. I also saw Ann out the window...she was coming home from work at the same time. Stan answered the door, and I went up to greet the delivery man, and then headed out the door to greet Ann, down the steps, and into the street and down the sidewalk! Ann started panicking, and since it was icy, she was having a hard time balancing as she struggled to grab me. I got a big scolding.


  This is during one of my trips to Colorado. We had stopped at an Interstate rest area, you know, the kind in Iowa that have art? As a dog owned by artists, I felt entitled to give my professional opinion on this particular Iowa sculpture.


Stupid Names My Humans Call Me

Squisher Dude Dopey Weirdo
Squish-A-Rooni Your Dude-ness Baby Weirdo
Stinky Doodle Happa Dog
Stink-Weiner Stinky Doodle Happy Fellow
Chucky Weiner Pug Doodle Spooge Puppy
Chucky Pug Diggity-Dog Biff Dog Pug
Puggy Bundles Pug-a-Love Swivel Butt

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Entire site designed by Ann Stretton © 1996-98.
Graphics by The S.S.Studio.

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The Dingbatcave: All Dingbats, All The Time

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Copyright © 1996-1998 Ann Stretton.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be copied or reproduced.
It is expressly forbidden to use any of these images for anything whatsoever.




The Aesthetic Pharmacist humbly apologizes for the rather non-aesthetic banners on these pages.

-----------------------------36568255812099 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="mulder.html" Content-Type: text/html Ann-S-Thesia: Believe the Lie


These are responses I got to the survey I began last spring for the 4th season's finale in regard to Mulder's apparent suicide. I'm happy to say, "I'm psychic!" as I forecasted a very accurate outcome.


Ann & Stan's Conspiracy Theories


The (preview for the season finale) was announced as "the truth will cost one of them their lives." But they haven't found the truth yet, so they're both still alive. Agent Mulder doesn't trust Scully and he's trying to elude her by faking his death because he thinks she's working for the people who want to keep aliens secret from the public. Scully is being misled by the man she tried to arrest because her own weakness is to find a convenient explanation for the origin of her cancer. Mulder is right: the man she brought to him with explanations is lying about everything.



I think both Mulder and Scully are in on the conspiracy of faking his own death. Scully knew Mulder's suicide was fake. As she enters the room to identify the body, notice her rather straight face. There is hardly any emotion. This is not the expression of someone who has just lost her partner she's worked with for 4 years, let alone someone she probably has deeper feelings for. When she was discrediting Mulder's work to the panel, she hardly cracked. This was right after he was found dead! Scully may be a sceptic, but she's not an ice queen! She showed a little emotion when she mentioned him being found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, but that was just an act to make them believe she was saddened so they will think he is actually no more. The X-Files (the case, not the TV show) will continue, but obviously more covertly than it was before. This way they stand a better chance at uncovering "the truth."

Your Conspiracy Theories

This is my favorite submission!

Mulder has actually been abducted to the Black Lodge. Major Briggs, one of the USAF administrators behind Project Blue Book, was recently caught sending email to Mulder. It stands to reason that Fox would have naturally approached FBI Department Head Gordon Cole for further details relating to the the dissappearance of Agents Dale Cooper and Chester Desmond and the information passed to him by the good major. Undoubtedly, Mulder headed for Twin Peaks as fast as he could, got spaced on Cherry Pie and too much caffeine, and got transported to the Black Lodge. With little effort, "Killer Bob" and the Little Man From Another Place were able to subvert Mulder and send back a doppelganger in his place. Obviously, it is the doppelganger which has died, and Mulder is languishing with Cooper in the surreal confines of the Lodge. The only real question is, will Scully and Deputy Andy manage to team up in time to save them?
-Charles DeVito

It's just like the new Alien Resurection movie. When it comes to genetic manipulation, anything is possible. It was a clone that some aliens made of Mulder. In fact there are hundreds of Mulders running around.

Will someone please send one of those Mulder clones to me?

(Click heart to e-mail me clone of Mulder...DNA, whatever)

Sad as it is for me to believe, much less admit, I think Fox Mulder may actually have killed himself. Faced with the truth that was out there, no one would be able to take it easily and Fox has spent his entire life trying to find out what really happened. To be proved that all his work was leading to a government hoax...well, that was apt to be more than he could take.

As much as I would like to believe that Fox was stronger than that...I believe this is the only way Fox Mulder's search for the truth could end.
-Jason Allen Baretsky

The "theory" is, Duchovny wanted to leave the series to pursue more $$$$$$ making movies.
-Tim Mitchell

Scully and Mulder cooked up this little lie to smoke out the bad guys...wanting them to think that Scully is on their side, until they reveal their story and Mulder can come back to life, after all they faked the alien right? They can fake Mulder's death too.

I agree with Ann though I came to this conclusion before reading her post. On another unusual note, my mom mentioned to me something to me as she pronounced David Duchovny's name in Polish. It is pronounced with an "h" instead of the "k" usually noted, and the y ending is a short "i". The word, in pronounciation, is the same as one would say of a means "believer." Interesting, huh? So, I believe Mulder's death was staged, and while the much awaited season opener may not reveal this, (we might be kept hanging for several episodes), I'm pretty sure it wouldn't end with his certain death.

Actually, my mom is Czech, pronounces it similarly, and she says it means "soulful" or "spiritual." Either way it's kind of appropo.

Here's her take on it:

I think an alien has morphed into Mulder. That's who Scully saw in the body bag.
-My Mom

Some people are saying that he wants to leave the show, and that would be that. Even still, everyone knows that the show would suffer from this, and those in charge are going to do everything they can to keep him around. They could easily go back on this episode, by saying that one of the aliens (or other various mutants in the show) was snooping around looking like him, and ended up getting killed by something.

I hope that he lives. Fox is too cool to die.

Mulder isn't dead... Scully is settin' up false info so they can bring down whomever it is setting them up...

Rest easy X fans, Mulder can't be dead ! He IS X Files . Nice cliffhanger, great for ratings, but think about it, wouldn't that be kinda lame, killing off your STAR and saying that was the truth, that would mean no more X Files ! Even if they brought in another actor, the truth would be known.... Then what ? The Z Files?

UNLESS, they find another "believer"! Remember we are talking about the worlds BEST in organized crime, the U.S. Government !

I really think X Files is: Intro to OUR Real Govenment

Or Slow intro to Area 51 and other Sites !
-Tim Streetman

Duh, as we saw the story unfold, we're told the "alien body" was actually a construct of chimera cells or whatever. Remember too, the Smithsonian scientist conducting the autopsy believed he was dissecting a real eyeball and cutting a real ribcage. The only posssible 'gotcha' is that most states require autopsies of people who die violently. In a real autopsy, all the vital organs are weighed and examined...

...An interesting twist is the allegation that the "govt." gave (Scully) cancer.

Didja ever notice all the Federal prisoners who died of cancer while in custody, like Jack Ruby and Reyes Tijerina ? There was a rash of deaths in the '60s.
-Ruben Rodriguez

I aggree with Zamise that the body they say was Mulder is really a clone. Mulder can't die or the show is finished! Right?


I want to believe that Mulder isn't dead! I cried with him and felt the pain he felt when he came to the realization that everything he worked for could be a lie. Mulder has spent his whole life searching for Samantha through paranormal phenomena. But when Samantha was abducted he lost more then just a sister, his entire family fell apart. He has been searching for that bond that was lost as well. Mulder hadn't had a decent relatoinship since. Untill Scully. Scully was someone he could trust in a world of the untrustible. Mulder has used her strength to help him carry on, especially in times of crisis. When Mulder's father was killed he felt he was responsible and through that grief and loss he came to depend on Scully even more. (Scully has had her share of crisis, too. And she has equally depended on Mulder for his strength.). The thought of Scully dying BECAUSE of Mulder breaks his heart! His killing Scully (not to mention his whole life being a lie ) is probebly the only thing that would drive Mulder to suicide. But Mulder is also very strong and does not give up easy! Even when faced with insurmountable odds. There are hundreds of things that could have happened to the real Mulder that would leave a false body for Scully to identify. As for Scully, I think that she believes that Mulder is in fact dead. She has never been one to show her emotions, especially not in public. I think the tears she shed were very real. Scully's goal from the very beginning was to uncover the truth, no matter what. She would want to spread that truth as quickly as possible, especially because her partner's, and friend's, life had been lost in the process of finding it. It will be interesting to see how Mulder's death affects Scully and his other friends (and enemies).

Of course, DD (David Duchovny) has made no attempt to hide the fact that he is sick and tired of The Show and will bolt when his five year contract is up.

Maybe they let him out of it early.

I know its gonna be torture but we'll just have to wiat and see.

If David Duchovny wants out, perhaps Mulder is dead. If DD is staying another season, obviously he can't be dead. I've heard all kinds of rumors. He's going to go. He's going to stay. If he goes, it's over. If DD is indeed signed for another season I think it reads like this:

Mulder has orchestrated a clever ruse to make Cancer man and his ilk believe he is dead.

He's seen too much and experienced too much to let the man Scully found convince him everything was faked. He's actually met some of the alien clones, and has seen their laboratories. He's seen aliens on numerous occasions, and has even interacted with them. He has always believed in an alien presence and a government plot to suppress that fact. He certainly wouldn't give up so easily. He's been up against far greater walls than the 'man with the truth' before. He would certainly be sad that Scully was made ill in furtherance of the government plot, but he would get over his sadness and get good and mad. The knowledge that she'd been made ill deliberately would infuriate him. He'd be more determined than ever to get to the root of the government conspiracy.

Scully believes him to be dead. Cancer man, believing Mulder to be dead and no longer needing Scully's illness as a lever, will relent and release the medical knowledge necessary to cure her.

Mulder'll begin work, deep cover. He has his trailer park Mufon buddies with all their expetise to draw on. They'll gladly help him and provide him with a place to work from. I believe he'll pop up in a couple episodes, find Scully, and together they'll spend the rest of the fifth season finding the 'truth' of the government's plans to suppress knowledge of an alien presence on earth. Fini

Are you ready for this? How many times has Agent Sculley covered up for Mulder in the past... can we count them on one hand? No. How bout two. Not even close.

I must confess, at first I was mortified at the thought of Fox Mulder being dead - I mean, let's face it, not only is he nice to look at, but he has those great one-liners that make the X-Files even more spectacular. So, after I had gotten over my grief for his loss, I realized that he has a contract to do the show through next year... How could he POSSIBLY be dead! (I knew that it was below even FOX *the network* to have the main character appear as a ghost for an entire season).

Now you are asking, if not Fox, then who was in his apartment, dead? Well, that is not as cut and dry, but I do have several ideas. The first being that Agent Skinner, being so obviously disgusted with his own recent acts of corpse stealing and evidence tampering, couldn't take it anymore, went over to Mulder's apartment to come clean, and was killed by someone sent to kill Mulder. The second idea is that the body was planted there by Mulder himself - knowing that his own life was in danger, he took one of the bodies from the "secret alien laboratory" and left it in his apartment.

I can't really be positive, but I am willing to bet that it is one of the above. Can't wait to find out!
-Rae McKinley

More of your conspiracy theories

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ÿ -----------------------------36568255812099 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="natasha.html" Content-Type: text/html Welcome to Ann-S-Thesia: Natasha


Born in 1985 in Colorado in June or early July (Cancer)


If I Were A Human I'd Be . . .

. . . a beautiful perfumed crazy woman living in her own world and talking to herself.


Things I Love

Licking perfume off of people; sucking on clothes; lying on my humans' bed and getting it furry; leaving hairballs in surprise places.


Things I Hate

I hate Plato. He holds me down and licks my ears. I also hate most dogs, but Hieronymus is getting nicer in his old age.


The Scariest Time in My Life (at least for my humans)

I was having great fun one night back in Colorado when my humans used to let me go outside. This was the first night I stayed out all night long...I didn't come back until about 4 in the morning. Ann was mad at me because the next day was her birthday and she said she hadn't gotten any sleep because she was worrying about me. She was really mad and I didn't get many chances after that to stay outside.



Stupid Names My Humans Call Me

Hooster Zoo Zoo Bee Nushter
Hooster Hoo Zoo Zoo Beast Nushie
Hooster Dooster Zaroozulet Nushing Bag
Hooster Zadoo Doitzler Nushkin
Hooster Seduced-er    

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Graphics by The S.S.Studio.

ÿ -----------------------------36568255812099 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="persephone.html" Content-Type: text/html Welcome to Ann-S-Thesia: Persephone


Born in Wisconsin on August 24, 1991 (Virgo)


If I Were a Human I'd Be . . .

. . . a man-crazy little slut, but a sweet little slut nonetheless.


Things I Love

Shoes, feet, ear-coochies, Stan and his butt.


Things I Hate

The vet and car trips. Other than that, I'm so sweet that I love everything else...even the dogs.


The Scariest Time in My Life (at least for my humans)

Well there were a couple of times. The first time came when I was only about 6 months. I went to the vet and they put me to sleep. When I woke up, I felt horrible, like someone had taken my insides out. I just felt horrible. I didn't want to eat, and I hid once my people took me back home. They were really worried about me, and rightly so. They took me back to the vet several times and they examined me and put lots of fluid in my body with a needle because I didn't want to eat food. I think I was going to die, but they took me back to the vet's once more and they gave me some drugs and then I got better.

The second time was several years ago during the spring. I snuck out of the "food room" after dinner just to take a look outside because it was so nice. My people went to a party that night and came home really late, so they didn't even know I was outside. When they woke up the next morning I assume they noticed I was gone, because they later went outside and started calling my name. They looked really panicked. I was kind of mad because they didn't come home until late, so I didn't come to them when they called me. I just watched them secretly from the bushes. They seemed really worried, though. I watched as they left the house to put up posters around the neighborhood with my face on them. Ann left the back door to the food room open when she left, and, being that I was starved by now, I went back in to get a snack. They had even filled up the bowl for me in attempt to lure me back! When Ann came back, she was overjoyed to see me. I would have gotten a big scolding, but they were just too glad to see me.


Stupid Names My Humans Call Me

Twizz Tweeter Phone P-Phone
Twizzler Phone-A-Thon Pee-Girl
Tweeter Phone Girl Pewter Cat
Tweed Persone-A-Phone

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Our Little Buddies

If our house was Gilligan's Island, and Stan and I were the Howells, our pets would be the rest of the crew and passengers on the S.S.Minnow.

But sometimes Natasha and I trade the Ginger/Mrs. Howell roles, and Stan and Vladimir trade the Professor/Mr. Howell roles. I apologize; I was raised on Gilligan's Island. Not literally, of course.

Click on the animal's name below to visit their own homepage.

An Angora Tortoiseshell cat, Natasha is the first pet Stan and I had together (if you don't count newts, rats, and lizards) and the first cat Stan ever had. She is also the only long-haired animal we have. Hopefully, we won't make that mistake again. Natasha lives in her own world, and is rather reclusive.
(The Professor)
Vladimir, a big grey tabby, was beat up by his older sister, Natasha, when he was a kid, so he turned antisocial toward all the other animals we have gotten since. He typifies the cliche, "Great with humans, bad with other animals." He's very talkative, smart and affectionate toward us.
(The Skipper)
Hieronymus is named after Hieronymus Bosch, a Renaissance Painter from the Netherlands who painted lots of strange creatures in his hellish narratives which often resembled Pug Dogs. He is the first dog I ever had, and what a great dog to start out with. He's so sweet...the only thing rePUGnant about him is his breath. We got him during a really bad time in my life (graduate school) and he helped me get through the tough times.
Although not a purebred, Persephone has strong Russian Blue characteristics. We got Persephone to keep Hieronymus company during the day when we were at work and school. She is our all-around sweetest pet.
Plato the Boston Terrier is our youngest, and most spoiled. He has had more toys than all our animals combined. He's a very naughty dog, too and has the independence of a cat when it comes to training. He is a dog of extremes: when he is bad he is incredibly bad, but when he gets into those sleepy snuggle moods, he's just irresistible.


We all got our 15 minutes of fame in Annie's Gallery! Submit your pet's photo, too!


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Graphics by The S.S.Studio.

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