
Born in Wisconsin on August 24, 1991 (Virgo)


If I Were a Human I'd Be . . .

. . . a man-crazy little slut, but a sweet little slut nonetheless.


Things I Love

Shoes, feet, ear-coochies, Stan and his butt.


Things I Hate

The vet and car trips. Other than that, I'm so sweet that I love everything else...even the dogs.


The Scariest Time in My Life (at least for my humans)

Well there were a couple of times. The first time came when I was only about 6 months. I went to the vet and they put me to sleep. When I woke up, I felt horrible, like someone had taken my insides out. I just felt horrible. I didn't want to eat, and I hid once my people took me back home. They were really worried about me, and rightly so. They took me back to the vet several times and they examined me and put lots of fluid in my body with a needle because I didn't want to eat food. I think I was going to die, but they took me back to the vet's once more and they gave me some drugs and then I got better.

The second time was several years ago during the spring. I snuck out of the "food room" after dinner just to take a look outside because it was so nice. My people went to a party that night and came home really late, so they didn't even know I was outside. When they woke up the next morning I assume they noticed I was gone, because they later went outside and started calling my name. They looked really panicked. I was kind of mad because they didn't come home until late, so I didn't come to them when they called me. I just watched them secretly from the bushes. They seemed really worried, though. I watched as they left the house to put up posters around the neighborhood with my face on them. Ann left the back door to the food room open when she left, and, being that I was starved by now, I went back in to get a snack. They had even filled up the bowl for me in attempt to lure me back! When Ann came back, she was overjoyed to see me. I would have gotten a big scolding, but they were just too glad to see me.


Stupid Names My Humans Call Me

Twizz Tweeter Phone P-Phone
Twizzler Phone-A-Thon Pee-Girl
Tweeter Phone Girl Pewter Cat
Tweed Persone-A-Phone

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