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This page has books which address the Java Script for use in Web Site design or Otherwise, at these other listings are books which can extend your skills
Javascript : The Definitive Guide (Nutshell Handbook) - David Flanagan; Paperback
A complete guide to Javascript it comes with consistent reader recommendations of 10 out of 10. If your just getting started and are serious about Javascript then this may be the book for you.
Amazon.com: Say (this book) Provides a rapid and thorough exposition of the JavaScript programming language, as well as an in-depth reference section covering each JavaScript function, object, method, and even handler. Experienced programmers will quickly find the information they need to start writing JavaScript programs. --(This text is based on an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.)

Internet Web Pages with Java Script - Rick Kitto; Spiral-bound
This book is really a beginners guide to web page design which incorporates java script.
It is directed to Teachers and their students but dont let that stop you if your a beginner who wants to get started with bost HTML and Javascripts
This edition includes a large chapter on JavaScript including many examples and exercises

Core Java 1.1 : Fundamentals (Sunsoft Press Java Series) Vol 1 - Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell; Paperback
This is actually about Java which to those in the know is very different to Java script. But I wont let that get in the way of promoting it here, so if you were really looking for Java and not Java Script your in business.
Readers continue to rate this book as a 10 out of 10. One of the best indicators available, but as you will see they are not alone in their recommendations. The Editor Stated Straight from the source at Sun Microsystems comes Core Java 1.1, Cay Horstmann and Gary Cornell's "official" guide to Java. The first volume deals with "fundamental" Java programming. Geared toward the more experienced programmer who has a knowledge of some other programming language, this guide is full of tips and smart enhancements to help you get the most out of basic Java. Early chapters provide the history of Java and the basics of using it for Internet computing. The authors dutifully cover the bare-bones essentials of Java, such as variables, programming statements, and the basic object design in Java and argue that it is a good (though not perfect) object-oriented programming language. They include helpful suggestions for modeling classes using inheritance and interfaces. Some expert material, which makes use of several advanced language features, is also included in the discussion of how to clone arrays. ...... take the link for the full version.

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