
Homework Club

Important Dates


English 9


Physical Science

US History

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20th Century US History

Teacher: Mr. Hernandez

Office Hours: 3rd & 6th hours in room 212

The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century.

Course Description:

United States History in the Twentieth Century is intended to be a survey of our nation’s history since 1900. It is hoped that the students who complete this course will have an understanding of the role of individuals in shaping the history of our nation, and the many foreign and domestic issues that we as a nation have fought to overcome and are still challenged with today.

Grading Policy:

    1. A total points grading system will be used on assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects. Semester grades are composed of the following percentages:
    2. 1st Quarter Grade 45% 3rd Quarter Grade 45%
      2nd Quarter Grade 45% 4th Quarter Grade 45%
      1st Semester Exam 10% 2nd Semester Exam 10%
      1st Semester Total 100% 2nd Semester Total 100%
    3. Homework and projects should be completed and handed in on time.
      1. Late work will be accepted for ½ credit.
      2. Wednesday after school make-ups will be required if you are missing 2 or more assignments (failure to attend will result in detention).
      3. Test retakes will be allowed if you score a ‘D’ or lower. The highest score you can earn on the retake is a ‘C’. Retakes can be done during your guided study hall, Wednesday make-ups, or be appointment.

Note: No assignments will be accepted one week prior to the end of each quarter. There is no exception to this policy.

Grading Scale:

      97-100% = A+
      93-96% = A
      90-92% = A-
      87-89% = B+
      83-86% = B
      80-82% = B-
      77-79% = C+
      73-76% = C
      70-72% = C-
      67-69% = D+
      63-66% = D
      60-62% = D-
      59% and Below = F

Equipment Needs:

    • Spiral notebook.
    • Pocket folder (same color as notebook is recommended).
    • Pens and pencils.
    • Textbook.
    • Assignment notebook.

Behavioral Expectations:

    • Respect others.
    • Respect the classroom.
    • Have all materials for class.
    • Absolutely NO SWEARING.
    • Do not interfere with another student’s opportunity to learn.

Class Policies:

    • No food or drink in class.
    • YOU must make arrangements with me for missing work.
    • No restrictions on restroom use (don’t abuse it).
    • Cheating is an automatic zero for both parties, and that assignment or test cannot be made up.
    • All papers must be word-processed.
    • Generally, there is no extra credit.
    • No sleeping.

Suggestions for Success:

    • DO YOUR WORK!!!
    • Ask questions.
    • Participate in class.
    • Take notes.
    • STUDY! Don’t cram.
    • Seek help if you need it.