
Homework Club

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English 9


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English 9 – Course Information

Mrs. Kessenich


  • McDougal Littell – The Language of Literature
  • Glencoe – Effective Speech Communication

Materials Needed:

1 spiral notebook, 1 pocket folder, pen and pencil, theme paper

Course Objectives:

    • To practice various written forms of communication.
    • To develop ideas and skills in those various written forms.
    • To understand the forms and elements of literature.
    • To obtain study skills for use in other courses.
    • To improve vocabulary skills.
    • To gain and improve an understanding of the communication process.

Course Work:

    • English 9 has a strong base of communication and will require the presentation of a number of speeches. These will vary from introduction, demonstration, persuasive, and informative speeches.
    • Grammar and other skills will be improved upon.
    • Various written assignments will be given based on both course material and the development of writing skills.
    • We will be reading and discussing different types of literature such as the short story, poetry, drama (plays), non-fiction, various novels and a Shakespearean play (Romeo and Juliet).
    • Note taking and study skills will be presented as a lifelong skill.

Grading Policies:

    • Students will be graded on quizzes, tests, written work, oral participation and cooperation within the classroom.
    • All work is graded on a point basis.
    • If assigned work is one day late, half credit will be given; no credit is given if it is any later.
    • Letter grades will be based on the percentage a student accumulates of the total possible points: 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, below 60%=F

Classroom Policies:

    • Homework needs to be completed for a student to succeed.
    • Students who need extra help should seek it as soon as possible. My prep periods are 3rd and 6th hours.
    • Attendance is important. Students who miss class once or twice every week or two are always behind and must play "catch up." Try not to get yourself in that situation as you are actually doing twice the work of others!
    • Tests will be made up the day a student returns from an absence.
    • No eating, drinking or lining up at the door. This last one is probably my biggest pet peeve!
    • Act like a lady or a gentleman and treat others as you would like to be treated.
    • Interference with another student’s ability to learn and succeed will cause a penalty/consequence for you, irritation for others and will make the teacher very crabby. Thus, please keep hands, feet and objects to yourself!

Welcome to high school!!!