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Ah, the chats!
Those were the good old days...
Deceptive, huh?
Yes, i can remember them well (sigh.) This is how i first started doing cyber-sex. Not a bad thing really, i never had to worry a bit about disease, getting pregnant, or not liking how the guy looked, and i could leave whenever i wanted to (kinda.)
i have done as you ordered...

The idea is to be true to what you say. If you're a slave then act like one. If you say you are getting undressed then get undressed. If you say you are wearing handcuffs behind your back and typing with a pencil in your mouth then really do it! It's no fun otherwise....

Just be sure to sit on a towel!

Trust me on this!

How did it all begin... For me it began by typing the words "chat rooms" into my search engine of choice. This was a long time ago (years.) i got back over two million responses so i went down the list until i found a free one (not hard to do back then.)

i ended up in some chat room and people were discussing some obscure thing about cookies and passing around imaginary drinks. i popped up and said "Hello? Can you hear me?" or something else equally inportant and relevant. They gave me a rum&coke and it wasn't too long before i was accepted. i enjoyed it. i had been going for weeks when i agreed to go to a private room with one of the guys. i was curious to see what would happen.

i was afraid we'd be doing that nasty cyber-sex thing and warned him off of that before i promised to go into a room with him. What happened was a lot worse.

He claimed to be a viet nam vetern (but still young) and he had been a member of special forces or something. He described in detail how he could kill someone nine ways with just his thumb. He seened nice but he scared me, badly.

i still went away liking the private room thing. i promised to be a little more careful about who i went off with in the future. Finally i met a nice man and i began to enjoy myself. He offered to do cyber-sex with me and eventually talked me into it.

i can't remember all the details, but i was new on the job i currently have. My hours were weird and i'd come in late at night and could stay until dawn's first light - by then it was time for bed! Things were different than how they are now and i had the place to myself. i could sit nakid in front of the keyboard if i wanted to and i did - when i was told to.

There was something about a face cloth, a bowl of very warm water, and something else. The way he did it he had me get all excited then i was to finger myself, then dip the rag in the warm water and then use it to insert inside myself. It all sounds kinda yucky, but it was good - very good. He got me off - no lie! i wanted to do the same for him. He told me that wasn't nessisary. What i had told him about what he had done to me had been enough.

See? Good clean fun!

Hmmmm.... maybe if you could see it you'd understand better... well here goes with a sample of my adventures in cyber space as CyberBabe!

[All names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent!]

This is with the same guy... and then

Well that didn't work out too well...

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