Hummingbird FAQs

About how much sugar do you need for a season?

Well, it is not unusual for us to go through 50-70 pounds of sugar in a season! (We usually put up 10 feeders of assorted sizes.)

How can you calculate the number of birds you are feeding?

It is a simple formula. A hummingbird needs to eat its weight in nectar and insects each day. The average weight of a bird is 3 to 4 ounces (depending on the type you have).

  1. Keep track of how much nectar you use in one day and convert that amount into ounces.

  2. Divide the total number of ounces by the bird's weight and you will get the approximate number of birds you are feeding.

We find at peak season we can have over 30 birds! Otherwise, have you ever tried to count hummingbirds, especially at their sunset feeding frenzy? It is pretty much impossible! Hummingbirds also feed on nectar from flowers and they eat small flying insects for protein.

Top Ù

Hummer on my finger!

A Black-chinned male
sits on a branch!

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