Salvia Divinorum Crusaders of Australia
Australian Salvia Divinorum Crusaders
Salvia Divinorum Australia Salviacrusaders

Salvia Crusaders Of Australia

Crusading For The Freedom To Use Salvia Divinorum In Australia


Introduction |  In Theory |  BASIC v 4.0 |  BASIC v 4.0 (pdf) |  BASIC v3 (old) |  USER v3 (old)


Archive Copy of Version 3.0

©OS 012 BASIC (v. 3.0)

An Operating System

for the Human Being

Presented here by the Australian Salvia Crusaders
Note: This Document has been reformated and mirrored here in the best interest of Humanity. The original author has requested this information be shared so please Read/copy/Share.

The original Document is no longer available at as OS 012 is now in version 4.

[Begin here]

O = mystery.

1 = true.

2 = false.

[Enter below]

The Nature of Conflict and Idea.

This is a very simple and very powerful formula and concept to understand.

All words are ideas.  Ideas can be  called ‘memes’.

A meme can be understood as a unit of organized ‘ideas’ or words.

[Like these sentences.]

Ideas and meme’s seem to behave very similar to genes and the information motion of DNA. This field of science is referred to as Memetics.

Ideas and words replicate.  Exponentially.  They increase in number.

Ideas and words follow the laws of nature.

The laws of nature insure the survival of the dominant. The smartest. The fastest. The most effective at performing her function.

Ideas that are dominant can be the smartest and the most effective.

Only the ‘smartest’ of ideas will survive. Eventually

All actions, creations,  inventions and advancements in art and science in civilization  throughout all history are due to one thing and one thing only…


Ideas that work and effectively solve problems or create opportunity have for thousands of years slowly developed an ever increasingly functioning  society.

Civilization advances when our ideas advance.

The language and words we choose to use create  our environment.

Our environment then helps inspire our ideas.

Our ideas of the world shape the world. And the world shapes our ideas. We create them and they create us.

All ideas spread all the time.

The nature of an idea is to ‘go’.

Ideas are the seed of ALL action

{Ideas are nouns that are the potential of verbs}

[insert ex/02]

An idea that is based on fear spreads the fastest. Someone calls ‘FIRE!’ in a crowded theatre and everyone hustles out the door, everyone immediately reacts.

Someone else says, ‘Hey, there was no fire, it was only a joke, everybody can be calm now’, and this idea takes a little longer to set in but eventually wins everyone over.

No more fire, no more fear of fire, crowd slowly, but cautiously trickles back into the theater.


 [extract 01]

Ideas or words that signal danger or threat spread immediately & immediately take hold unless they can be proven for certain to be false.



[This is the very nature of the universe itself]

This is the first key to understanding ©OS 012:

All ideas i.e. all information  is in an eternal state of conflict and war.
This is the ‘battle’ between good and bad, light and dark, right and wrong. This side VS that side.

All ideas [in conflict] seem to be one or the other. Good/Bad. Right/Wrong. Male/Female. This/That. Light/Dark. Strong/Weak. Yin/Yang. Me/You. Us/Them. Oppo/site.

All ideas can also be true or they can also be false
[This is an important thing to observe]

[©OS 012 can either be true, or it can be false, right?]


Ideas = conflicting
[does NOT mean]

humans = conflicting.

[This is the another key to understanding ©OS 012 ]



[Point of observation:]


Humans are not in conflict. Our ideas are.

[When we confuse ourselves with our ideas, then we find ourselves in conflict with only ourselves and nothing more.]

i-magine Scenario:

You come over my house and I ask you if you want some tea. You say no but you would prefer some coffee instead.

   [01:Our ideas just ‘challenged’ each other.]

 “Coffee sounds great, I’ll have some too” I reply.

  [02: My idea, or suggestion, did not win you over, you had another idea that challenged mine and served us both better]

End Scenario

By understanding this very simple concept we can all learn to BENEFIT from conflict  instead of identifying with it.
By properly identifying conflict, we become in harmony with it.


[This is a simple and fun thing to bring into conversation.]

If you identify yourself with the idea you are discussing, then you set yourself up to be destroyed when the dominant meme presents itself.

[You then waste a lot of time trying to protect yourself from a false attack that may never exist]

When we understand that we are NOT our ideas, then we learn to benefit and win when a dominant or ‘king’ idea presents itself.

A ‘King’ idea is what we all bring into the conversation. However, if we are to agree, there can only be one true ‘King’. Therefore, discussion becomes an art and a game of strategy, for one of us has to lose a ‘false’ idea that we believe to be true.

When we lose a false idea or a false king that we have, we only have lost by winning a new and better idea or King that will serve us better.

Both sides come to the table with a different King, but leave with the same one. Both sides then can both win in every discussion. Both sides leave in synergy.

King against King!

{By letting them fight, we learn that when one of them wins, it does so only because it serves BOTH SIDES better. King ideas fight to make BOTH SIDES WIN}

Our ideas fight and battle so we can learn and increase our intelligence in synergy.

[Just like chess is a game of honesty and clear thinking. All moves are out in the open. It is a strategy against two kings.]


©OS 012 BASIC is a master idea of how humans best operate themselves.

©OS 012 BASIC is the formula for the natural state of the fully functioning  human being.


A Master Meme is a dominant idea that will challenge and destroy ALL ideas in conflict with it.  Inside of you and outside of you.

A Master Meme is an idea that has become dominant and can no longer be defeated in the realm of rational discussion.

©OS 012 is a Master Meme, a King of the Kings.

©OS 012 BASIC is a master memetic and communications technology

©OS 012 is a mathematical formula.  Applied in language.

©OS 012 is an  ©I-dea whose time has come.

©OS 012 is a collection of IDEAS that have been hard won in the field of ‘battle’.

[Ideas that have been fought and discussed for thousands of years]

Through these battles, ©OS 012 has had and will have many more contributors.
[©OS 012 is created through internet discussion]

©OS 012 BASIC has been formulated by many people. Many of them may never even meet.

[The ‘battle’ however, has just begun. Many more challenges lay ahead]

©OS 012 will ‘win’ all of them.

©OS 012 wins all the time because ©OS 012 contains formulas for solutions that solve problems effectively FOR all sides  to WIN.

©OS 012 has been formed only by having preexisting ideas challenged and defeated.

©OS 012 is thus always upgradeable to the dominant idea that serves equally the individual and everyone.

©OS 012 is an *OBJECT that we all can agree on.

 *It is the common shared value for the individual,
unique,and conquering global citizen.

©OS 012 is a simple way to understand the true nature of all our ideas and words that we think or speak, privatly or openly.

When we understand the nature of all our ideas, we understand  ourselves from a much larger and more interesting perspective.

KEY: To understand the nature of ideas themselves we only have to understand  three very simple things.


We have to know the difference between what we say is
a [true] idea,
a [false] idea,
and an idea that is [both] true& false.

[True/False] = Mystery

0  is mystery. It is when something is both true and false at once. This is the UNKNOWN. No-thing.
1 is True. Mind. Science. Objective. Honesty.
2  is False. Feelings. Art. Subjective. Inspiration.


These are the only categories your mind can ever understand. All ideas and thoughts and words and memes are either true or false or mystery. This is your already functioning meta-program that operates all function of your every thought and action [all the time] that  you have ever be in your entire life.

The 0, the 1, and the 2

That’s all there is to it.


That is ©OS 012 BASIC

©OS 012 is a way to obtain a objective, clear, and calm view of the difference between things we know (true), don’t know (false) and things that we don’t even know that we don’t know (mystery).


When you can understand how to operate this as an effective tool, you will always be able to tell when others are lying. You will always be able to see when others may be hiding. You will win in every conversation and discussion all the time. You will become a master in communications and negotiations in ways that may utterly astound you.

[This is only accomplished  in one way and one way only]

Total and complete ruthless honesty.

(Self honesty and honesty with others is the fuel that operates the mechanisms of ©OS 012.)

KEY:   Honesty = Integrity

Honest communication is only possible amongst equals.

(On the internet, everyone is equal)

[break it down:]

All effective ideas are honest and RATIONAL.

Rational thought is only honest thought.

Irrational thought is only deceptive thought.

Non-working ideas are irrational  and deceptive.


(ERROR! People become irrational by deceiving themselves first. Then others next.)

When you are able to be honest with yourself and others, you can correctly define  your problems and easily find the solutions. When you deceive yourself and others, you create ‘false’ co-ordinates which always fail to define and solve the problems. Deception is a non-working,  self-defeating,  and failing game in any and all circumstances. Misery is a result of irrational thinking and deception and nothing more.

Being honest with ourselves is the most important ‘trick’ in ©OS 012.

[a sense of humor is second]

(Most of the time we are unaware of our own dis-honesty and self deception). We confuse false ideas or mysterious ideas as TRUE ones.

When we pass these ‘false ideas’ on to someone else, we lie without even knowing it.

(When you are dishonest or irrational, you can use ©OS 012 BASIC to find out where)

We deceive ourselves when we confuse the function of the mind with the ‘nature’ of the feelings.

[Deception is false information. False information is error. Error does not work.]

[Insert point:]

[Most of the time, we are trying to think with our feelings and feel with our minds]

When you deceive yourself and deceive others, you are sharing and believing in false information.

False information  never works inside of math and science.

KEY: When we confuse false ideas for true,  it is impossible to correctly define our problem because our mental image of the problem is based on inaccurate information


©OS 012 is the natural state of the mind performing it’s simple function,  problem solving and creating opportunity.

KEY: Our minds are designed to think. Our feelings are designed to feel.

  • Feelings do not ‘tell us’ anything. Minds do not ‘feel’ anything.
  • Feelings are ART. Mind is SCIENCE. Feelings are the inspiration and the energy for the mind to use to solve problems or create oppurtunity.
  • Feelings are unpredictable and utter chaos. They cannot be understood by the mind. They are not for the mind to understand.
  • Feelings are for energizing  the mind.
  • For thousands of years, we have been slowly uncovering and perfecting this natural human process.
  • With ©OS 012, your mind and your feelings will be your *greatest ally instead of your worst nightmare.
  • All sides contribute. All sides win.
*The functioning human being performs
inside of  trinary code.
©OS 012 is base three counting.
(Binary ‘on/off’ code is for computers, not humans)

Welcome to  ©OS 012.
©OS 012 is perfect synergy and syncronicity.
Create art instead of deception and science instead of stories.

Feelings. Mind. Art. Science.

A problem is solved effectively

WHEN both [all] sides WIN.

It works.

All the time.

Success is your proof


You have just downloaded
©OS 012 BASIC.

©OS 012 USER INSTALL, Click here.

This formula works. Success is your proof. Certainty, not faith. See for yourself. You must prove ©OS 012 to be true or false for yourself for certain. All problems are solved effectively when all sides win. All ideas spread, all the time. Inside of us and outside of us. You now have in your possession the most powerful intelligence tool in the world. ©OS 012 allows you to increase your intelligence as you see fit. ©OS 012 is NOT a  path nor is it a way of life. It is what you take with  you on your journey, whatever it may be. You may now rename it anything you wish.

©OS 012 USER INSTALL, Click here.

This is a more advanced application.
You must integrate ©OS 012 BASIC before you can integrate ©OS 012 USER. OS 012 USER is free of charge and in the public domain
©OS 012 High Intelligence Productions, all RITES REVERSED. Reprint and Reproduce what you want, when,  where,  with whom and how you want.

©OS 012 is free of charge and in the public domain.

©OS 012 is NOT an organisation of any kind under any form.


Any group or organisation or individual is free to do with it as they wish.
They need no permission for any commercial enterprise.


About ©High Intelligence Productions
( the first 'contributor' to ©OS 012)

Contact the original Author's : bubblefish012 at aol DOT com


Contact Salvia Crusaders :



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