Things to Bring
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Things to bring with you for the hospital stay

  1. Your baby's hospital or health insurance cards, or other documentation required for medical insurance
  2. Baby's favorite toy. An older baby may be comforted by bringing this into the surgery.
  3. Your clothes and toiletries if you are staying overnight.
  4. Any medication you or your baby are taking. (Don't forget to tell the doctor about medication your baby is taking, and anything you are taking if you are nursing.)
  5. Baby's pacifier, if one is used.
  6. Diapers and supplies. Some hospitals will ask that you provide your own.
  7. Baby's bottle, if he or she is bottle-fed and is fussy about the type.
  8. Breast pumping equipment, if you are nursing. Most hospitals will provide this, but you may prefer your own.
  9. Clothing for the baby, that does not required going over the head, if you don't want to use hospital clothes.
  10. Socks, or something similar to cover baby's hands. The baby's face may be itchy due to swelling and morphine.
  11. A stroller or carriage, if the baby is soothed by the ride. You can pace the hospital corridors.
  12. Your pillow, blankets, etc. Not every hospital provides these things for the parents.
  13. Your personal telephone book, if you have concerned friends and relatives to call after the surgery.
  14. A deck of cards, a book, or something to pass the time during surgery, and when baby sleeps.
  15. The phone number of your regular pediatrician or family doctor, to keep him updated.




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