Hospital Stay
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Length of the Hospital Stay

The length of the hospital stay varies from about two days to 7 days. It will depend on your hospital's policy and insurance coverage. Even if you are told that your stay will only be two days after the surgery, if complications arise that would make it unsafe for your child to go home, your doctor will extend the stay.

Normally, the hospital will ensure that proper feeding is reestablished and that there will be no further need for blood transfusions before your child is released. A longer hospital stay may seem comforting but it is a mixed blessing, as small babies are very prone to picking up hospital infections, especially after undergoing surgery.

Regardless of the length of the stay, it is crucial to ensure that medical support will be available to you once you go home. Although it may not be needed, ensure that you get the instructions for care at home in writing and explained to you, and that there is a doctor available for you to call 24-hours per day.


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