Dear lord... why did you have to bring them up?
Because we need to make a page dedicated to how much we absolutely despise NCest... err... NSuck... DAMN! I can't even say their name!
But let's see guys... we can go on and on about how much Timberlake scares the hell out of us, what diseases he may have because you know he's been sleeping with that slut known as Spears, and then we could move on to how Lance looks like a crack baby, or how Joey has a bastard child, but come on? We can only do so much.... therefore we need you, the readers of RINIBEAN, to send in new gems for *NSync bashing.
Yeah dawg, we'd love for you to send in any quotes, jokes, pics, etc. that has to do with bashing *NSync.
Send all *NSYNC bashing to j_van_eike@hotmail.com

Yes, the leader of the band. He doesn't even deserve to be called by his first name. He's balding, ugly as dogshit, sings like he's had his testicles removed and a cold, is fucking a blow up doll, and scares the hell out of Blue. Has a tattoo of a Christian cross. Oh yeah. That's going to make him look oh so tough.... And he's an Eminem wannabe. He can't even be the real Slim Shady. He's a wannabe ghetto pimp who is supposed to be this wholesome little lead singer of a boy band.

Oh yes, the cute one. The effeminate one. The crack baby. Have you ever looked at his eyes? There's something scary as hell about them... could it be the fact they're set too far apart on his head and some really fucked up albino blue? Perhaps it's because he's an inbred hick from Missisip. And now Lancene thinks he can act. Well, PB and BM are going to see On The Line, just to add to this page. Thank God he never sings lead.

Big Bad Joe
Joey, Joey, Joey... what can we say about you? Oh yes.... you've got a bastard child! *laughs* We can just imagine the twelve year old sitting at home with the baby saying "Yeah. I slept with Joey Fatone." He's fat. He's just as ugly as the other two. He can't dance. He's just *shudders* another member of *NSYNC.

Well... yeah. We know he sings lead sometimes. Other than that, we really don't know anything about him. So send us any good info about this invisible NSucker.

Jesus Christ
Blue! Don't compare any of these band members to Jesus!
*glares* Thank you Mrs. Miller in 11th and 12th grade Lit for teaching me that anytime I see a JC it automatically symbolizes Jesus Christ.
We don't have too much of a problem with JC. He just had to be put in with the four other morons that make up the band. We've contemplated as to which other boy band member he could be traded for, and we've decided that we would trade Kevin from the BSB for JC, and then the BSB would kick even more ass, and NSync would suck even more. But really... let's think about what JC's looks are going for... he's got that, well, Howie look going. Therefore, he's just another wannabe, and does belong in the band of wannabes.
Timberlake's Free Clinic

Things Smarter Than Nick Carter

Top 10

Lancene's Make Up Kit
Want to show off your *NSYNC Hater Pride? Go ahead and take the pic below! If you have a good *NSYNC Hater Banner or pic, send them in! We must unite to overthrow the "princes of pop"!