Things Smarter Than Nick Carter
Why yes, Nick Carter is not a member of *NSYNC. Blue loves him dearly. But, dear lord, the poor boy is not the brightest crayon in the box. So PB and Blue have compiled a list of things smarter than Nick Carter:

A toothbrush. Tape. Micheal Jackson. A coaster. Beenie Babies. AOL. Post it notes. Blue's left shoe. Bottled Water. Condoms. Hoppy the TP Mummy. TRL. Post Cards. Batteries. PB's nasty grey sweatshirt. The Shrine to Nick Carter. Organic Chemistry notes. A plastic bag. Kevin. Blue's ex boyfriend. VCR cables. Fish. Halloween specials. Sailor Moon. Dragon Ball Z. Spandex. The Backstreet Project. Blue's right sock with the hole in the toe. Blue's mother (although that was a close one). Aaron Carter. Pennies. Daisuke. John Travolta. On The Line. Sporks. People in the BSB chat room. Paper. Blue's seven year old computer. A rock.  PB's horse Shea.  PB's dog Ellie.  PB's fish Grace.  Breeze the bucket.  A snake.  A pebble in my shoe.  Freakazoid.  Scooby Doo.  Shaggy too.  Daphne.  Fred.  Any of the rest of the people on Scooby Doo.  PB (ok.  Going with the ego).  NyQuil.  Q-Tips.  Cats.  Coffee.  Milk.  Yogurt.  Mayonnaise.  CD.  Syllabi.  Emotions. Blue laws. Liquor stores closing at 10PM on Saturday night.
Do you know of something else smarter than Nick Carter? We'd love to add it to the list.