September-26th It's updated! School& physical appearance has slowed down my updating process. There's a new story but it's not mine, but it's really good! I will work on my stories soon..I promise! August-18th through 19th It's FIXED!!!! yayayayayay. I finished my one story called "Birthday" but.. haha I can't post it. I forgot I was in a timeline and I skipped the other story. Damn. Excuse whatever lauguge that is.. So once that other story is done then I can post 'birthday' and it turned out to be a sequel one! Real dramatic, surprised me when I finished it.. the ending, I never had in mind! But, okay I know I HAVE to catch up with the profiles!! It's been 6 months and I only have 3 done! Well I created a backup file for my site so this never happens again! I thought it wouldn't happen to me but look what happened! It did so I learned from my mistakes. Ahhh school is in a week what will happen to my site? ::crys:: Well I guess I'll see ya guys later.
August-7th though 10th Nothing much this week, working on two stories (omg) Added a little stuff around barely, I just wanted u guys to know that I'm still alive!! :) I uploaded and moved a lot of stuff around and had barely little time to do so with my new job and everything! yay.. I'm a WSI aid for lifeguards.I Don't even get paid either, well what do ya expect I'm only 13! If you spot any broken links or pictures tell me. ThanksE-mail me ideas & suggestions for the site! I sure need it!!

7-20 New story from sydni called Second Chance Added a new poll. Working on a new story but I can't get into it! New duck of the week! Anyway not much of a update. see ya
7-9 New story in the fanfiction section. It's about grin and his past. I'm going to do all of the duck's past. I also added a new link to a good site. The duck of the week is... you have to check it out on the main page! Guys.. please..please sign up for my mailing list..PLEASE!!
6-26 Okay I added Rach's Origin Finally. I added a new link and new story from Kim. I added a picture place with some pics that I made with paint. I did some other stuff that you'll notice. :)
6-15 Hey people! I just updated yesterday and today! Since school is out and I'm so happy that i finally got out! So I added an email update thingy.. Updated the profiles (still working on them in my wordpad.) I added a nice little picture of me and justin timberlake in the Fanfic I remade it..I'm so proud of myself :). Um..I made some subdirecteries for my pictures. Oh I also worked on my fan fic.. I hope you guys like it. I think it will be up by June 30th (I hope!) Nice Update huh?
4-2 Sorry Ive been really buzy! I added one little link, please sign it! thankies.
3-16 *crys* I Delted my guestbook! Noooooo. I had to get another one... I'm working on my fanfic. Later today I'm gonna try to get some polls up. Wish me Luck!
3-12 All I did was make the links green and when the mouse goes over it it turns red. I tried to put some mp3's on here but big nono!!
3-4 Ya know that fire thing.. bump that, it was too big. I'll just have ta find something better. I updated the profilez, the only one I kinda finished is nosedive's.The rest all I have is pictures (even of the saurians!). Oh and BTW sign my guestbook, I put a lot of work inta this thing so give me some feed back! ;)
2-26 I know it's been awhile but I'm gonna try and work on the profilez! (eek) I also found a thingy that looks like fire, so that means i updated that place!
2-13 Well to start off.. This whole page is new and I'm gonna try really hard to update it daily! I'm working on bannerz and pictures to put up here. I'm also working on a fan fic which will take me like 2 months to finish (i'm *not* a writer)
|Main|Fanfiction|Pictures|Whats New|Profilez|Contact Me|Polls|Adopt a Duck|LinksAwards