Welcome to our Personal Site on Breast Cancer

This site is dedicated to my wife Carol, who is dealing with breast cancer and the emotional issues that comes with finding out that you have breast cancer. She is doing well having gone through four surgeries, six chemotherapy treatments and 25 radiation treatments, not to mention the 80 trips to the doctor, hospital and clinics in ten months. The intention of this site is to try and give some people an idea of the emotional issues we went through and how we dealt with it.

This is not scientific, it is just a reflection of what we experienced.By reading this material, we hope to help some people deal with breast cancer. If it helps a little bit, then we have achieved our objective. If you are looking for detailed medical information, then we suggest you search for those sites that are available such as the Cancer Society.First their is the shock of finding out that you have breast cancer and then there is the shock of dealing with all of the tests and treatments that you may have to go through.

Every women is different and deals with it differently. Every husband is different and will deal with his wife having breast cancer in their own way. Some will be very supportive, while unfortunately others will just not be able to deal with it and may run away. Friends are much the same. Some will be extremely supportive and provide help and food along with emotional support, while others will not be able to even speak with you. You need to understand, it is not because they do not care, they just cannot deal with it.

We found keeping our friends posted by email helped a lot. One said she was afraid to call, for fear she may call on a bad day. With the emails she knew what was going on and would call when everything was going well.

The best advice we can provide is to accept the help of others whenever it is offered and to be your own best advocate!

We will be adding more pages as time goes on. Check back often and use our directory at the bottom of the page to see what other subjects there may be that you might be interested in.

Contact us to set up reciprocal links to your web site.

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If you have comments or would like to contribute an article about you went through, just send us an email to let us know. We will add your story to the growing list of articles. Feel free to send us additional comments , we will add them to our web site. We hope you find this site useful and informative.



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