Breast Cancer - Symptoms

My wife had no symptoms of cancer and none in her family, yet she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer! In fact the doctor, although he knew were to look for it he could not find it even with a physical examination of the breast. My wife Carol had gone for a her regular mammogram every two years and we both just considered it a routine thing to do. After all there was no cancer in her family and she did not smoke or drink too much. We led pretty normal lives. Exercised and kept healthy.

When she was called back a week after her first mammogram to have a second more detailed mammogram, we knew this was unusual. I was not worried too much, however my wife was sure she had breast cancer and it turned out that she was right. Even though with her own self examination and routine health checks there were no symptoms at all. Every women should have a mammogram every two years after the age of 40 and more often if there is cancer in the family.

Normally the doctors will not confirm breast cancer until the results of a biopsy are back, however in our case our family doctor was quite certain and immediately got us in to see a surgeon who ordered a battery of tests. We were in shock and suddenly we were beginning a series of tests and the waiting game for the results and the scheduling of surgery.

A biopsy was scheduled which was planned for just the breast, however when the doctor was doing the biopsy of the breast, she noticed that the lymph nodes under the arm were swollen. A biopsy was done and it confirmed that not only did my wife have breast cancer, it also had spread to the lymph nodes. Now the worry really started. Were else had the cancer gone inside her body?

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