PITY II logo and contact information:  PITY II, Stanley Community Centre, County Road, Walton, Liverpool, UK.  Tel: +44 (0)151 285 0016.  email: pity2uk@yahoo.co.uk

Link to Parents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some of the images associated with the organ retention issues at Alder Hey Hopsital in Liverpool, UK

Link to Alan Milburn's [Secretary of State for Health] Speech to the House of Commons [UK Government] on the 30th of January 2001

email PITY II
email PITY II

Today's Date


Children for Children logo

animated presentation of the words "Never Again!"

June 2001 Newsletter banner

Introduction | Sponsored Walk | Hannah's Poem | Heather's Poem
Debbie's Poem | Jokes | Lee's Drawing | James' Letter | Meeting Review
What About School?

Hi everyone, amazingly we've got another issue online. Thanks for your great response; with all of your poems, reports and jokes we’ve had a lot to read. Keep them coming in, we can’t produce these pages without your input!

Hope you like the new name. Rebecca Wild from Wavertree came up with the title we thought said it all, so this page is now Children for Children.

We are trying to organise a trip to Camelot in summer. The day will give us a chance to have fun and get to know each other. If you would like to be involved, let the PITY II office know or e-mail us at pity2uk@yahoo.co.uk.

Animated representation of a walkerFeeling young and energetic? Here’s your chance to prove it. On Saturday 9th June we are having a sponsored walk in fancy dress. The day is intended to include the whole of the family so bring everyone along. If you would like to walk, help or just sponsor other walkers, please contact the office or e-mail us.

Got any fund-raising ideas such as local car washes, sponsored swims, cake stalls (anything)? Let us know and give it a go. Money raised will be help to keep PITY II going and provide activities for siblings involved with PITY II. Perhaps we could have a PITY II car wash day. If we could organise co-ordinated car washes around the North West, the local media may give us some publicity. Let us know what you think.

Any issues you would like us to tackle? If so, let us know and we’ll do our best to help. Look forward to seeing you all soon. Don’t forget the sponsored walk! The Team.

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On Saturday the 9th of June [2001] a sponsored walk will take place, in Liverpool, to raise funds for an activity day for siblings and parents to get together and have fun, get to know each other and, if people want to, talk about feelings.

We need to raise about £1,000 for this day, and even more for future days. PLEASE HELP.

If you would like to join the walk and get sponsors or would simply like to sponsor us, then phone the office or e-mail us. Thanx.

If you can’t make the walk, the walkers will be stopping for lunch around one in the afternoon, in St. John’s Gardens (back of St. George’s Hall in the city centre), and hope to end the walk at McDonald’s on East Lancashire Road (by the Showcase Cinema) between 5 and 6 in the evening - you might like to come along and give them a cheer. We look forward to meeting you all. Again, please help.

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The day my sister went away

The day my sister went away,
Nobody knew what to say,
To put her in her grave was bad enough,
But to bury her twice was very tough.
I felt all alone, empty inside,
All I did was sit and cried.
How did you boys and girls cope?
I felt I was going down a slope.
But Pity II has given us this page,
We’re all strangers at this stage.
Our mums and dads have made a chair,
Let’s use this page to do the same.
We can support one another,
We can talk about our sisters and brothers.
Thank you Pity II,
I love you.


We would like to thank Hannah for this very moving poem and her extremely supportive letter. Yes we are all here to support each other, come along to our activities, write to us or e-mail us if you can.

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borderHow I felt

My mum and dad told me the news,
It felt like my heart was just so bruised.
It felt like it was torn,
And then another bad feeling was born.
I had no good memories,
‘Cos I wasn’t here.
But now I’ve got bad memories,
That keep me in tears.


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What a day that will be

She died 21st of October.
My mum, dad and family found it hard to get over.
Then I was born and my little sister,
They told us the bad news,
It felt like a big heart blister.

We went weeks,
Months and years,
Trying to cope each day,
Without tears.

To bury her organs,
We waited for ages.
Every day off the post,
Through the door came pages.

We went for a meeting,
In the Adelphi Hotel.
We sat there and listened,
To people like Tony Bell.

My family did lots of charity work,
To keep them going each day.
A Pity II website, a sponsored walk,
A Talent Show and a Cinderella play.

We still have to wait,
To bury her parts.
What a day that will be ...
All those broken hearts.


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Please keep on sending us your poems. It is a great way of sharing your feelings and it helps some of us who don’t feel able to put how we feel into verse to explore what we feel.

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Tickle your ribs with these …

What’s green and white and goes ‘boing, boing!’? A spring onion!

When should you be scared if a cat falls on you? When you’re a mouse!

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Our thanks go to Jamie and Lee for their pictures and letters which have been reproduced here.

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Please accept our apologies for the poor reproduction of Lee's and Jamie's contributions on the Web. We are working on it and will upgrade the last two items as soon as we are able to reproduce these images to a standard that is good enough, and still keep the required memory down to a minimum. In the meantime, thanks Lee and Jamie.

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A Review of the Meeting Held at the Liverpool Adelphi Hotel.

When we arrived there were about 6 pieces of paper which we were supposed to read and take home, refreshments were supplied for when people were thirsty.

PITY II logoThe meeting opened with Ed Bradley and he told everyone why we were asked to come. Which was to tell us what will happen with PITY II. After Ed Bradley finished his talk he introduced John O’Hare to tell us the Achievements over the last twelve months, which was to hope we have made a start in changing practices that are no longer acceptable. It is still going to take a lot of effort for the medical profession to understand what was wrong with what these people did, stripping the bodies for their own research or, as someone suggested has been alleged, just sold organs to pharmaceutical companies.

After John O’Hare had finished his talk he introduced Paula O’Leary who spoke about The Retained Organs Commission which is like a database to link up hospitals to find information for parents whose children have been stripped [of their organs] so they can find out where their organs are so they can be returned to their mothers and fathers. They are also there to consider and advise on difficult or unusual cases, more detailed information for adults can be found in the papers we were given and on the PITY II website [http://uk.oocities.com/pity2uk/HTML/].

Fund Raising was talked about by Alice Procter; she spoke about what stuff to do to raise money for PITY II to carry on to help parents who will come forward in the future. Mrs. Proctor said that PITY II needs our help. We have got one or two ideas e.g. the sponsored walk and a trip to Camelot.

Next on the list we where talking about the Demolition of Myrtle St. All the parents agreed with Christine Woods that it should be demolished because of the memories and the organs stored there for no reason at all. And me, myself, agree with Christine.

Ed Bradley was next on the agenda and he spoke about the memorial service, which is a religious service in memory of all of the children involved.

After a cup of tea, we talked about the Redfern report and about what action has been taken and what will happen in the years to come. After the Redfern report speech, John O’Hare stood up to tell us What can we do from here, he said that to keep trying to find more information about the organ scandal, and he said “We have to make sure that it will never happen again!!”

And last but not least was Ed Bradley again to close the meeting with Closing remarks a numerous amount of people raised their hand and asked questions and I was one of them, and my question was “What would you do if this was to happen again?” John couldn’t guarantee that it wouldn’t happen again but I know it wont happen again!

Written by: Stephen Alker - Age: twelve.

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School can be hard at the best of times but with the tragic news that has Pencil sharpeneraffected all of us you may be finding things even harder. It is not uncommon for youngsters to normally have behavioural changes, sleeping difficulties and, basically, be struggling with a workload they could normally handle with ease; but if your grades slip help may be available.

  • Talk to your parents. They may not realise how you’re feeling or that your feelings are affecting your schoolwork.
  • Talk to your teachers and make sure they are aware of how the organ retention issues affect you. They are professionals who can guide and help you.
  • If you have a Learning Mentor in your school talk to him/her. They may be able to help you.

You may feel that that’s okay for most people who have got time, but for you the summer term means only one thing … exams!!! Concentrating and revising is hard at the best of times.

We approached Liverpool Education Authority and their advice was to inform your teacher of your exceptional circumstances. They may in turn inform the examination boards of your problems and this may be taken into consideration when marking your exams (you may need a certificate from your doctor to help your case).

Don’t forget to revise and accept all the help and advice available. We would like to wish you all good luck with your exams and hope to be congratulating you on your results soon.



PITY II (Parents who have Interred Their Young Twice) is the parents' support group set up in the wake of the organ retention scandal
at Alder Hey Hospital (Liverpool, UK). It aims to provide self help support and advice to affected families.

Keywords: PITY II, pity II, pity ii, PITY 2, PITY2, pity 2, pity2, Never Again, never again,
Liverpool, liverpool, organ, retention, alder hey, heart, inquiry, Redfern, redfern, scandal, support, children,