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Kaitlyn and Kelly's Page!

Kaitlyn & Kelly

Kaitlyn I'll go first. My name is Kaitlyn. My birthday is August 18th, 1993. I am 7! Kelly is my sister and we share the same room. We are 17 months apart in age and when we aren't fighting we are best friends.

Kaitlyn & Kelly getting along

My favorite things to eat are spaghetti and sandwich spread. I am in First Grade this year and just love it! I have Mrs. Forster and she is a great teacher. Kirsten had her too and really liked her. I started ballet this year at Makaroff's. My big sister, Kirsten, also takes ballet there. I am also in Brownie's and go to gymnastics once a week.


My name is Kelly and I'm 6 years old. My birthday is January 27th, 1995. I am in Kindergarten this year and really like it! I also go to Sunday school. I'm in Advanced Pre-Prgressive Gymnastics and go the same time as Kaitlyn.

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